EMDR Forum Archive, 1999
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Welcome to a Dialogue on EMDR with Francine Shapiro, by John Grohol, 7/22/97
EMDR and Childhood Anxiety, by Anna, 4/27/99
Re: Welcome to a Dialogue on EMDR with Francine Shapiro, by Brittany Kneebone, 11/15/99
Social Phobia & EMDR, by Beth R., 11/18/99
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by Maudie Ritchie, RCSW,ACSW,BCD, 11/24/99
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by Beth R, 12/13/99
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by liz, 12/23/99
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by Francine Shapiro, 12/23/99
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by ROY BAILEY, 4/9/00
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by Emre Konuk, 4/11/00
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by Robert P. O'Brien, Ph.D., 4/13/00
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/14/00
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by Romayka, 4/27/00
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by Romayka, 4/27/00
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by Robert P. O'Brien, Ph.D., 4/27/00
Re: Social Phobia & EMDR, by Brian G., 2/7/00
Forum Guidelines, by Francine Shapiro, 12/17/99
What is EMDR?, by BOL Editor, 7/19/97
Reprocessing dysfunctionally stored experiences, by Francine Shapiro, 6/20/97
The Initial Phases of EMDR, by BOL Editor, 6/29/97
8 Phases of EMDR, by Francine Shapiro, 7/3/97
Origins, by BOL Editor, 7/13/97
Origins and resistance, by Francine Shapiro, 7/18/97
NOT-knowing, by BOL Editor, 7/19/97
Science and Progress, by Francine Shapiro, 7/19/97
Predicting Who Will Respond to EMDR, by Peter M. Barach, 7/22/97
Differential Treatment Effects, by Francine Shapiro, 7/22/97
EMDR Mechanism, by Gil Levin, 7/26/97
EMDR in practice, by Greg Patrick, 7/28/97
EMDR and undergound trauma, by David C. Blore, 8/2/97
Accelerated Learning and Positive Templates, by Francine Shapiro, 8/4/97
Integrating Psychodynamic Object Relations, by David Grand, 8/13/97
Object Relations, by Philip Manfield, 8/26/97
Further thoughts on transference, by Philip Manfield, 8/26/97
Personality Disorders, by Philip Manfield, 8/26/97
Re: Accelerated Learning and Positive Templates (An Adlerian Perspective), by Henry Stein, 7/2/99
Psychodynamic Therapy and Accelerated Effects, by Francine Shapiro, 8/4/97
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and EMDR Research, by Francine Shapiro, 8/4/97
Various clinical applications, by Francine Shapiro, 8/20/97
Accelerated information processing, by Adam Russo, 9/21/97
Torture Victims, by Francine Shapiro, 9/27/97
In Memory of Victor Frankl, by Francine Shapiro, 9/27/97
Some lessons learned in the EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Program intervention in the Balkans, by Gerald Puk, 10/3/97
Orienting Reflex inhibiting fight or flight?, by Leonard Holmes, 10/3/97
Additional articles of interest, by Francine Shapiro, 10/6/97
Breaking the Cycle of Violence, by Francine Shapiro, 10/26/97
EMDR for OCD?, by Brian Holt, 10/31/97
More on eye movements, by Francine Shapiro, 11/14/97
somatisation, by Michael Owen, 11/16/97
Fifteen Month Follow-up Study Published, by Francine Shapiro, 12/18/97
Publication of Study with Survivors of a Natural Disaster, by Francine Shapiro, 12/19/97
Reputable Training in U.K, by Dr Anjum Madani, 1/2/98
New Publications, by Francine Shapiro, 1/5/98
TRAINING, by B. Lynch, 1/11/98
Inpatient EMDR, by Ed Tryk, 1/20/98
EMDR and Children/Adolescents, by Ricky Greenwald, 1/29/98
Ocular Dearmoring in Orgonomic Therapy vs. EMDR, by Leah Longan, 2/3/98
Important controlled study related to combat veterans, by Francine Shapiro, 2/12/98
Important controlled study related to traumatized adolescents, by Francine Shapiro, 2/12/98
Meta-Analysis of PTSD Treatments, by Francine Shapiro, 2/17/98
EMDR for Trauma in the APA Psychotherapy Videotape Series, by Francine Shapiro, 2/19/98
EMDR in College Counseling Center Settings, by Patricia A. Doherty, 3/11/98
Recent Reference List, by Shapiro, 4/16/98
Three new books available, by Shapiro, 5/3/98
EMDR books in German, by Shapiro, 5/8/98
EDMR in corrections, by Linda Nauth, 5/11/98
EMDR-more than meets the &lllaos;EYES&lllaos;, by Jeff M. Gold, 5/18/98
anxiety disorder, by l. richards, 6/4/98
Effect of antidepressants on EMDR, by Anon., 6/11/98
EMDR w/ Domestic Violence or Homeless?, by Tina Hageman, 6/21/98
Manic Depression and EMDR, by Prefer Not To Say, 7/10/98
EMDR for children with ADHD, by Laura Solomon, 7/16/98
obsessive compulsive disorder and depression, by Terri, 7/27/98
Anorexia EMDR, by Lisa Tenenbaum MFCC , 8/3/98
EMDR with brain injured pts, by Maggie Vlazny, 8/26/98
Neurotherapy and EMDR, by Judy Ardine, 9/17/98
People with disabilties, by Jennifer, 9/28/98
New Neurological Information About EMs, Self, DID, and Memory, by Gail Shafarman PhD, 10/17/98
EMDR therapists in NY, by David Khachatryan, 10/22/98
Lyme Disease, by Barbara H. Seabury A, 10/25/98
Alcohol abuse and EMDR, by J Sharkey, 10/30/98
Anyone using EMDR to treat sexual addictions?, by K Pittingers, 11/8/98
I will probably start EMDR soon, by martha, 11/12/98
Chronic Pain and EMDR, by jlong, 11/24/98
co therapists and EMDR, by Michele 11/30/98, 11/30/98
Borderline Personality Disorder, by Cindy R., 11/30/98
EMDR use with patient with seizure disorer, by Peggy , 12/1/98
EMDR for children with ADHD, by EMDR for children wi,
EMDR for children with ADHD, by EMDR for children wi,
Inquiry Please/DID/EMDR, by vcb, 12/7/98
PTSD from Auto Accident, by Rebecca R., 12/15/98
Possible physical abreaction?, by martha, 12/15/98
Confused, by PsyDoc in Atlanta, 12/18/98
false memory?, by ann, 12/20/98
5 years and counting, by s.leviton, 12/28/98
sex addiction, by cf, 12/31/98
Parent Seeks Info on RMDR in Treatment for Panic & Anxiety in Teens, by J. Spencer, 1/19/99
Unresolved Secondary Gains, by Shapiro, 2/9/99
EMDR for children with ADHD, by Laura Solomon, 1/29/99
Detailed Case Report of Rape Trauma, by Dan Opdyke, 2/3/99
EMDR Clinicians in South Western Ontario, by Natalie Zlodre, 2/10/99
Level II EMDR, by Cassie, 2/10/99
EMDR and eating disorders, by Shapiro, 2/11/99
Seeking feedback on EMDR Professional, by C. Lindberg, 3/4/99
Anyone using EMDR to treat trichotillomania?, by Frank York, 3/5/99
fas, by Marianne Hildebrandt, 3/23/99
EMDR and Children with ADHD, by H. Roberts, 4/1/99
BPD's Hang in there!, by Dune919, 4/5/99
Questions on efficacy of emdr with fibromyalgia, by prefer not to say, 4/5/99
Dissociation and EMDR, by June R., 4/6/99
Presentations until mid-May plus EMDRIA information, by Shapiro, 4/12/99
EMDR: Preferred treatment for DID/MPD?, by D. Munn, 4/27/99
EMDR and BDD, by Debbie, 4/28/99
Thinking of starting EMDR - Please Help., by Rob, 5/6/99
If the positive effects of EMDR does 'fade'....??, by irene, 5/8/99
Untitled, by irene, 5/9/99
Grief and EMDR - is it ever too soon?, by Amy, 5/11/99
PTSD and EMDR, by becca, 5/12/99
ADHD and EMDR, by nancy, 5/13/99
ADHD and EMDR, by nancy, 5/13/99
Client Inquiries, by Shapiro, 5/13/99
EMDR therapy for abused children now adults, by , 5/14/99
Referral issues, by Dr. Norman Goldwasser, 5/15/99
Use of EMDR with elderly Holocaust survivors, by Norman G, 5/16/99
Clinicians, by LeannaR, 5/16/99
identifying issues to be processed through EMDR, by Chris Burris, 5/16/99
Will it help???, by Terry Pate, 5/17/99
About to try again, by MG, 5/18/99
Personality Style and Response To EMDR, by Gerald Drucker, 5/20/99
EMDR /EEG Neurofeedback, by Jerry D. Wilmath, 5/21/99
Anecdote, toilet training and EMDR, by J.Wallace, 5/24/99
had a treatment, by irene, 5/25/99
Dr. John Sarno's Books, by Chronic Pain Patient, 5/31/99
EMDR & Pregnancy, by Bob Kerr, 6/4/99
Off-line until June 23, by Shapiro, 6/10/99
Using EMDR to treat teens with PTSD, by D. Moore, 6/14/99
clinicians, by LeAnn, 6/15/99
emdr, by rev moe, 6/17/99
emdr training in Canada or Washington State, by Barry T, 6/23/99
EMDR and paranoia, by Ann Russell, 6/23/99
Using EMDR without a triggering event?, by Marv, 6/25/99
Medication Trial For PTSD, by Scott, 6/25/99
Critical Incident Debriefing, by Jacqueline Wallace, LICSW, 6/26/99
Need EMDR Presentation Materials, by Sue Burke, 6/27/99
Six year-old and uncertain PTSD diagnosis, by T. Roy, 6/28/99
edmr, by NLM, 6/29/99
Possible effectiveness of emdr on adopted child, by dutchred@aol, Cathy Dutch, 7/2/99
Possible effectiveness of emdr on adopted child, by dutchred@aol, Cathy Dutch, 7/2/99
EMDR incredible reactions - still no relief though, by Davetrader, 7/4/99
EMDR and Huntington's Disease, by Lori, 7/7/99
EMDR Training, by Trish, 7/14/99
Please respond..., by TOK, 7/15/99
Multiple Issues - clinical information, by L. Luna, 7/27/99
Autism, by Lindberg, 7/27/99
Starting phase three EMDR ... a walk through fear / unkown, by Laura, 8/5/99
Infant Holocaust survivor, and other stuff..., by Susan, 8/5/99
Confused - Looking for Some Answers, by Madeline, 8/10/99
PSTD, Clinical Depression, EMDR, by Cathy, 8/13/99
Laypersons response and EMDR Listserv Info, by ziggycline, 8/14/99
Re: PSTD, Clinical Depression, EMDR, by Laura, 8/14/99
Re: PSTD, Clinical Depression, EMDR, by ziggy, 8/14/99
Re: PSTD, Clinical Depression, EMDR, by Shapiro, 8/30/99
THANKYOU., by Adrian, 8/15/99
8 sessions of EMDR and no relief, by Jean, 8/15/99
14 year old son, by Frantic Mother, 8/18/99
Possibilites of using EMDR with Autistic client, by Lindberg, 8/19/99
EMDR-It's use with clients with Cerebral Palsy, by Bonnie McCarter, 8/21/99
trying to find clinician with appropriate training/have other questions, too!, by Dee, 8/24/99
Effectiveness of EMDR, by ChristopherTang, 8/26/99
lightbox, by iwatkins, 8/26/99
Appropriate training or certification, by Phil , 8/29/99
EMDR:Uncovering Long Repressed Memories, by J.R., 9/1/99
EMDR combined with TFT, by Dee, 9/2/99
Is it me?, by S, 9/3/99
EMDR Listserv, by , 9/3/99
Body memories of 18 month old year old alter, by Jessie Gordon, 9/5/99
Drug Interference?, by Cathy, 9/6/99
Starting soon--Memories, by Hopeful, 9/13/99
EMDR techniques, by Tad, 9/15/99
Trauma measure for children, by Mary Jo Gribovicz, 9/17/99
depression/panic syndrome, by JMD, 9/17/99
support for loved on in EMDR theraphy, by Kendall, 9/20/99
EMDR & ADD, by Anonymous, 9/27/99
Origins???, by , 9/27/99
drug-related anxiety and EMDR, by Veronica, 10/2/99
partially trained in EMDR, by Veronica, 10/5/99
Panic attacks, by Kerry Spencer, 10/15/99
Controversy and Politics of EMDR, by Jennie, 10/16/99
NEED HELP IN NEVADA, by Jessie, 10/24/99
Can EMDR treatment be used with children?, by Lynda, 10/25/99
Prisons, by workwell@gateway.net, 10/27/99
EMDR & Children (ADHD,ODD,Depression), by Carol, 11/1/99
EMDR, by Jeanne Abelson, 11/5/99
EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Dr. Nancy Holling, 11/5/99
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Shapiro, 11/8/99
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Linda Richards, 11/28/99
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Monica, 2/28/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Linda Richards, 3/1/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by monica, 3/2/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 3/23/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Brad, 4/3/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Brian, 4/4/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/4/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Brad, 4/4/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/5/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Brad, 4/5/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Sandra Paulsen Ph.D., 4/5/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Brad, 4/6/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals, by Linda Richards, 4/7/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals & insects, by brad alford, 4/7/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals & insects, by Monica, 5/8/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals & insects, by Monica, 5/8/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals & insects, by Monica, 5/8/00
Re: EMDR therapy in companion animals & insects, by Brad, 5/11/00
EMDR and insomnia, by TC, 11/5/99
Deep rooted memories-what should happen, by Mark, 11/5/99
How do I know if EMDR will help?, by Michelle, 11/6/99
EMDR & BDD, by Brad, 11/8/99
Childhood Trauma, by Dave Clanc, 11/10/99
my experience with EMDR, by Grace L. Lewis, 11/12/99
EMDR tapes, by Madeline, 11/19/99
Alternate Breathing Methods, by Maggie, 11/20/99
Uh oh, by Jessica, 11/21/99
resource installation, by meri, 11/22/99
Integrative Psychotherapy and EMDR, by Alexey Terekhov, 11/28/99
Bulletin Board Guidelines, by Francine Shapiro, 12/17/99
EMDR What actually happens in sessions., by David , 12/18/99
A New Demonstration Video with Francine Shapiro, by Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D., 12/19/99
Thinking of Undergoing EMDR, by N Mobil, 12/19/99
emdr facillitator, by anon, 12/21/99
EMDRJourneys Support "Club" for clients., by LSW..EMDR..Client, 12/28/99
Separation Trauma for Adult Adoptee, by Thre, 12/29/99
Dissasociation and EMDR, by Beth67, 12/31/99
Conjugate Gaze Reflex Techniques, by Vincent L. Perri, DC, PH.D, 12/31/99
will it for sure work?, by Angela Breno, 1/4/00
Trichotillomania, by Linda M., 1/9/00
EMDR and Stage Fright, by Teresa, 1/12/00
EMDR for Eating Disorders, by Allison , 1/23/00
Gap, by Matt, 1/26/00
Should I start with trauma from recent incidents af abuse?, by Angela Breno, 1/26/00
How will I know if it is working?, by Angela Breno, 1/26/00
EMDR &dysthymia, by Erika, 1/26/00
Bulletin Board Guidelines , by Francine Shapiro , 1/28/00
Re: Has anyone had EMDR therapy, by Karen, 1/29/00
associated research, by Rob Kirk, 1/30/00
EMDR with present trauma....., by Teresa, 2/3/00
EMDR & social phobia, by David steele, 2/3/00
Re: EMDR & social phobia, by Brian G., 2/7/00
Re: EMDR & social phobia, by Shapiro, 2/14/00
EMDR and phobias, by Brian G., 2/14/00
Re: EMDR and phobias, by Shapiro, 2/14/00
Re: EMDR and phobias, by Brian G., 2/15/00
Re: EMDR and phobias, by Shapiro, 2/15/00
Re: EMDR & phobias, by SR, 2/18/00
Re: EMDR & phobias, by Robert P. O'Brien, Ph.D., 2/18/00
Re: EMDR & phobias, by Gerald C. Davison, Ph.D., 2/22/00
Re: EMDR & phobias, by , 2/22/00
Re: EMDR & THE PLACEBO EFFECT, by Brad A. Alford, Ph.D., ABPP, 5/8/00
Re: EMDR & phobias & Lyme Disease, by Brad A. Alford, 5/13/00
Abreaction, Dissociation, and EMDR, by J.B., 2/4/00
EMDR, by Loving Mom , 2/6/00
EMDR and the Evidence, by Brian G., 2/7/00
Re: EMDR and the Evidence, by from loving mom , 2/9/00
Re: EMDR and the Evidence, by Brian G., 2/10/00
Re: EMDR and the Evidence, by Ricky Greenwald, 2/10/00
Re: EMDR and the Evidence, by Brian G., 2/10/00
Re: EMDR and the Evidence, by Dr. D, 2/11/00
Re: EMDR and the Evidence, by Brian G., 2/11/00
Re: EMDR and the Evidence, by Dr. D, 2/14/00
faulty reasoning?, by Brian G., 2/14/00
Re: EMDR and the Evidence, by Shapiro, 2/15/00
the discussion continues, by Brian G., 2/15/00
Re: the discussion continues, by Tom Cloyd, 4/7/00
Re: the discussion continues, by Brian, 4/9/00
Re: EMDR and the Evidence, by SR, 2/18/00
Brian... anti-EMDR?, by , 2/10/00
Re: Brian... anti-EMDR?, by Brian G., 2/10/00
Re: Brian... anti-EMDR?, by , 2/10/00
Research on EMDR, by Brian G., 2/10/00
Re: Research on EMDR, by Deb k, 2/11/00
Re: Research on EMDR, by , 2/12/00
Re: Research on EMDR, by , 2/12/00
Re: Research on EMDR, by Brian G., 2/12/00
Re: Research on EMDR, by M.C.(a lay person), 2/13/00
Sorry to burst your bubble!, by Brian G., 2/14/00
Re: Sorry to burst your bubble!, by Teresa, 2/14/00
Thank you Teresa!, by Brian G., 2/14/00
Re: Thank you Teresa!, by Shapiro, 2/15/00
the discussion continues, by Brian G., 2/15/00
Re: the discussion continues, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 2/16/00
Re: Thank you Teresa!, by M.C.(an EDUCATED layperson) , 3/4/00
Re: Thank you Teresa!, by Don, 3/4/00
Re: Thank you Teresa!, by M.C., 3/4/00
Re: Thank you Teresa!, by Don, 3/5/00
Re: Thank you Teresa!, by another layperson, 3/7/00
Re: Thank you Teresa!, by Brian, 3/5/00
Re: Thank you Teresa!, by Another Layperson, 3/7/00
Re: Thank you Teresa!, by Don, 3/7/00
hypnosis, by udo ebeling, 2/12/00
Marijuana & EMDR?, by SD, 2/14/00
Brian G., by A Response to Shapiro (Part I), 2/15/00
A response to Shapiro (part II), by Brian G., 2/15/00
Faulty Reasoning?, by Dr. D, 2/15/00
new article on EMDR, by Dr. Don, 2/15/00
why get sick, by lyn, 2/16/00
To EMDR OR NOT EMDR, IS THAT THE QUESTION?, by Jerry Murphy, DSW, 2/17/00
Reviewing the totality of the evidence against EMDR's claims, by Brian G., 2/18/00
A definite conclusion, by Deb K, 2/18/00
Thank you Brian!, by Deb K, 2/18/00
Re: Reviewing the totality of the evidence against EMDR's claims, by Shapiro, 2/18/00
All opinions are not equal, by Ricky Greenwald, 2/18/00
Galvanic Skin Response and EMDR, by David A. Bechtel, 2/18/00
Lets talk not fight, by Robert P. O'Brien, PH.D., 2/19/00
Don't let Brian discorage possibility of success with EMDR, by Julie, 2/21/00
EMDR, CBT and emotion (part 1), by SR, 2/21/00
EMDR, CBT and emotion, by SR, 2/21/00
To Brian: A final observation regarding the interaction, by Shapiro, 2/21/00
when all is said and done, by , 2/22/00
response to vet wife, by vet child, 2/24/00
Thank you and offline for now., by Shapiro, 2/25/00
Untitled, by Jacie , 3/5/00
similiar to rapid eye therapy?, by Jacie Gray, 3/5/00
EMDR - Treatment for Vaginismus?, by Steve W., 3/10/00
use of light bar, by Deb K, 3/10/00
EMDR and sexual abuse questions, by Natalia, 3/10/00
Question concerning EMDR, by Jackie, 3/12/00
Untitled, by JET, 3/14/00
AUDIO EMDR, by JET, 3/14/00
Untitled, by JET, 3/14/00
Major nerves and anxiety, by Nikki, 3/14/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 3/14/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety, by Don, 3/14/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety, by Robert O'Brien, Ph.D., 3/15/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety, by Don, 3/17/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety, by JERRY, 3/17/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety/ Amen!, by M.C., 3/18/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety/ Amen!, by Jerry, 3/18/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety/ Amen!, by Don, 3/25/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety/ Amen!, by SR, 3/27/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety/ Amen!, by Don, 3/28/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety/ Amen!, by SR, 3/28/00
Taking a closer look at the findings of Devilly and Spence 1999, by Brian, 3/29/00
Re: Taking a closer look at the findings of Devilly and Spence 1999, by SR, 3/29/00
Re: Taking a closer look at the findings of Devilly and Spence 1999, by Brian, 3/29/00
Re: Taking a closer look at the findings of Devilly and Spence 1999, by SR, 3/30/00
Re: Taking a closer look at the findings of Devilly and Spence 1999, by Brian, 3/30/00
Re: Taking a closer look at the findings of Devilly and Spence 1999, by Robert P. O'Brien, Ph.D., 4/2/00
Re: Taking a closer look at the findings of Devilly and Spence 1999, by Ricky Greenwald, 4/3/00
Re: Taking a closer look at the findings of Devilly and Spence 1999, by Brian, 4/4/00
Re: Taking a closer look at the findings of Devilly and Spence 1999, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/4/00
Re: Taking a closer look at the findings of Devilly and Spence 1999, by , 5/12/00
Re: Major nerves and anxiety/ Amen!, by Don, 3/31/00
sharing emdr information & humanitarian work, by pulifan, 3/16/00
So Scared About It, by Martha K., 3/17/00
Re: So Scared About It, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 3/17/00
Dr. Paulsen, by Brian, 3/29/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by , 3/29/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by Brian, 3/29/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by , 3/29/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 3/29/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by Brian, 3/29/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 3/30/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by Brian, 3/30/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 3/30/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by an australian client, 4/2/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by , 4/3/00
Re: Dr. Paulsen, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/3/00
Re: So Scared About It, by Zulaikah, 4/10/00
overcoming resistance, by CharlieL, 3/17/00
emdr, by cindy , 3/18/00
Re: emdr, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 3/18/00
A little excited... a little scared, by Ken, 3/22/00
Is it the Past or Present? First Time on EMDR. Marital Issues., by Alexandria, 3/22/00
downfalls of EMDR?, by lynn M., 3/31/00
dr paulsen on emdr, by cindy, 4/1/00
EMDR i wrote u before on my intergretion have more good news, by Zulaikah Fatimahsulaiman z2cute@yahoo.com, 4/10/00
EMDR - I Have Been Abused by it, by Assistance Required, 4/11/00
EMDR Success and Unknowns (from a DID), by Prefer Unknown , 4/13/00
edmr in traumatized young children, by g., 4/14/00
how does the therapist know when to stop waving hand during emdr?, by , 4/20/00
EMDR & OCS, by CharlieL, 4/20/00
EMDR & OCD, by CharlieL, 4/20/00
EMDR & OCD, by charlieL, 4/20/00
Can EMDR cause Hallucinations?, by Prefer Unknown, 4/21/00
Chronic Pain and EMDR, by Paul Kramm , 4/22/00
Very Young Children, by Sheila, 4/22/00
Did I do it right?, by Ken, 4/22/00
Ricky Greenwald's webpage, by Deb Kukal, 4/25/00
Dr. Paulson - request, by pulifan, 4/25/00
Lying, by Suzanne, 4/26/00
Re: Lying, by Brian, 4/26/00
Re: Lying, by Ricky Greenwald, 4/26/00
Re: Lying--An common EMDR problem?, by Brian G, 4/27/00
Re: Lying--An common EMDR problem?, by Tired of this whole thing, 4/27/00
Well Done Brian. I think we have finally found a potential gap in this therapy. Let The Debate Begin, by Civil Rights, 4/27/00
Re: Lying--An common EMDR problem?, by Layperson, 4/27/00
Re: Lying--An common EMDR problem?, by Robert P. O'Brien, Ph.D., 4/28/00
Re: Lying--An common EMDR problem?, by Brian G, 4/29/00
Re: Lying--An common EMDR problem?, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/29/00
Re: Lying--An common EMDR problem?, by Brian G, 4/29/00
Re: Signature , by Curious, 4/30/00
Beyond a Helpful Skepticism --, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/30/00
Re: Beyond a Helpful Skepticism -- Indeed, by contributor, 4/30/00
Re: Beyond Advertising, by Brian G, 5/1/00
Re: Beyond Advertising, by Sandra Paulsen Ph.D., 5/1/00
Re: Beyond Advertising, by Brian G, 5/1/00
Re: Beyond Advertising, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 5/1/00
Re: Beyond Advertising, by contributor, 5/1/00
Re: Beyond Advertising, by Brian , 5/2/00
Re: Beyond Advertising, by M.C., 5/8/00
Re: Beyond Advertising, by Brad Alford, Ph.D., 5/14/00
Re: Helpful Skepticism , by , 5/9/00
Re: Lying--An common EMDR problem?, by Don, 4/29/00
Re: Lying--An common EMDR problem?, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/27/00
Re: Lying--An common EMDR problem?, by , 4/28/00
an article that may be of interest, by Brian G, 4/27/00
Re: an article that may be of interest, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/27/00
Re: an article that may be of interest, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/28/00
Re: an article that may be of interest, by Patricia A. Doherty, 4/28/00
Re: an article that may be of interest, by contributor, 4/30/00
Re: Whether EMDR Therapists Act Appropriately, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/30/00
Therapist Training, by Robert P. O'Brien, Ph.D., 5/3/00
Re: Therapist Training, by curious, 5/4/00
Re: Therapist Training, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 5/4/00
Re: Therapist Training, by The Contributor, 5/10/00
Re: Therapist Training, by Ricky Greenwald, 5/4/00
Re: Therapist Training, by anonamous, 5/15/00
On Recovered Memories, by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 4/29/00
BDD - Body Dysmorphic disorder, by David S., 4/27/00
S. Paulson, by contributor, 4/28/00
Fail To Inform, by contributor, 4/30/00
movements, by contributor, 4/30/00
Childhood Fears and Aggression , by JIAN, 5/2/00
Professional Conduct on this Forum, by Ricky Greenwald, 5/3/00
Recording Search, by Sheila, 5/4/00
Auditory stimulus for EMDR, by Nightingale, 5/4/00
How do you assess for ego strength?, by Tavit Smith, 5/4/00
EMDR and Borderline Personality Disorder, by Jeanne Courtney, MFT, 5/6/00
Take A Look, by contributor, 5/6/00
Forum Problems Being Fixed , by Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., 5/7/00
Risks in using EMDR with Borderline Personality Disorder?, by Jeanne Courtney, 5/7/00
Borderline Personality Disorder and EMDR risks?, by Jeanne Courtney, 5/7/00
head injury, by marilda, 5/9/00
head injury, by marilda, 5/9/00
Technical glitch?, by Deb K., 5/9/00
what happened?, by concerned reader, 5/11/00
EMDR recovery info, by Savage, 5/12/00
Untitled, by ., 5/14/00
Eye Movement Desensitisation And Reprocessing, by The Contributor, 5/14/00
Emotional abuse, by Birgit Bade, 5/14/00
Emotional abuse, by Birgit Bade, 5/14/00
EMDR for treatment of OCD, by klwalton@gateway.net, 5/14/00
EMDR for treatment of OCD, by A hopeful patient, 5/14/00
EMDR in PTSD, by jane, 5/17/00
SCARED about EMDR, by Jane, 5/17/00
How affective is EMDR in treating OCD?, by Lynne, 5/17/00
eye movements deemed non-efficacious for reducing public speaking fear, by Brian, 5/20/00
Very Young Children, by Sheila, 5/21/00
EMDR with PA and GAD, by Dave, 5/23/00
A Quick Question, by KayMunn, 06/06/00
Dementia/Borderline intelligence and EMDR, by Mary J. Harrell, LCSW, 06/06/00
Re: Selective Deletion, by Tom Harding, 06/07/00
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