Thanks for your story, Vet Wife, you couldn't have said it more graciously. I grew up with a father who was in 3 wars, W.W.II, Korea, and Vietnam (unbelievable that our country would send a man to 3 wars--what could they have been thinking? My mother was from Europe and was in the middle of the war zones from age 14 to 18 roaming the countryside with other children...homeless. Talk about PTSD flying around in my family. As a child of PTSD parents, I too had secondary PTSD from listening to the war stories and living with the PTSD symptoms of my parents. In my 20's, I was in therapy and processed somewhat successfully my family of origin "stuff." But it was not until I experience EMDR in my 40's was I able to be a peace with my parent's wounds and how they effected me. I just wished that my parents could have benefited from EMDR and found their peace. Why on earth would people be opposed to a process that thousands of people have benefited from. Yet, pharmaceutical companies can "oops" with medications that kill and/or defect people. Mind boggling.
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