I have also used EMDR in a war veterans hospital psychiatric inpatient setting with four patients very good results. One of the good things about this setting was the ability to have the patient well cared for after what were exhausting sessions (for them). One had complained of chest pain previously and although his cardiac medical advisor felt there was nothing wrong with his heart, suitable emergency equipment was on hand at the time of the session (it was not needed).This setting gave me the opportunity to work with people who I would not normally consider psychologically fit enough to use EMDR with if it had been an outpatient setting.
All were Vietnam veterans who had had multiple inpatient admissions and "everything else" had been tried. All four have continued to progress in a positive direction. Complex issues such as chronic PTSD will not usually be solved in one or two sessions but certainly blocks to progress can be removed. Unfortunately I no longer work in that particular area however I do see these men occasionally and their lives have certainly improved.
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