EMDR therapy intrigues me. The cognitive problems and neurochemical imbalances in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue intrigue me. "Conversations With Neil's Brain" fascinated me. When reading about FNS the following quote(s) really caught my eye: "It has been known for years that the brain sends messages both electrically and chemically and that the amount and kind of chemical present can greatly influence how a person perceives, feels and thinks." "..while the EEG activity drops rapidly under feedback, it drops much faster using feedback that alternates 180 degrees out of phase in front of the left and right eyes than it does when the lights strobe simultaneously." "..the signals picked up from the brain are ultimately fed back to the brain through the eyes, which are anatomically extensions of the brain." "..the effects of alternating hemispheric feedback is to relatively rapidly inhibit high voltage activity across the spectrum."
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