Some more information on Lenore Walker. Dr. Walker has been a practicing clinician for over 20 years in the area of violence against women iwth offices in Denver, Colorado and Miami, Florida. Forensic expert on battered woman syndrome, PTSD, and other forms of traumatic impact of interpersonal violence, she has testified in legal cases throughout the country. Chair of the APA Presidential Task Force on Violence and the Family, she has written 10 books, been on the editorial board for several journals, and authored 50 book chapters and journal articles. She has received the APA Distinguished Psychology Awards in Psychology of Women, Professional Contributions in the Public Interest, and Women's Health. Abused Women and Survivor Therapy: A Practical Guide for the Psychotherapist published in 1994 by the American Psychological Association.
She has been a trainer for the Domestic Violence Institute of which she is founder and World Health Organization PAHO program in Latin America, NATO programs on v ictimology in Europe and worked with domestic violence providers in a variety of countries around the world.
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