The responses you are having are totally normal given your past history. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. It's expected and can be quite useful if you are able to verbalize them. The standard EMDR protocol calls for first processing the past experiences that the set the groundwork for the dysfunction. Therefore, just let the processing take its course. I strongly suggest using the original safeplace you came up with. I also urge you to explain your embarrassment to the therapist and find other ways to answer the question. Perhaps you can write down the answer if it helps. Perhaps think of it as describing a movie. Perhaps your therapist can help you to expand the emotion you need to be open about the situation with him. Once again, your responses are normal. By letting it out in the open its easier to trace back to their genesis. That is the prime function of transference. It's useful, natural, and sexual feelings, or anger are among the most common forms.
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