EMDR Forum Archive, 1999
Manual available
Vogelmann-Sine · 11/1/98 at 2:02 PM ET
We find EMDR to be a useful component of an overall substance abuse treatment program.
A flexible and comprehensive EMDR treatment approach is needed to address the range of
clients and their pathologies. For clients who have been screened for EMDR
appropriateness and who are motivated and willing to acknowledge that alcohol abuse is
destructive to their lives and that they need to stop using, EMDR can expedite treatment.
EMDR can be utilized to accomplish the following: strengthen a client's inner resources,
develop a positive treatment goal, target triggers that cause urges to use, neutralize and
reprocess painful emotional experiences clients encounter in recovery in their daily lives,
and neutralize painful memories contributing to substance use and relapse.
We have developed a treatment manual for therapists qualified to treat chemical dependency
and who have been trained in EMDR (Level I and II). This manual can be purchased (write
requests to silke@silke.com). An effort is currently in process to conduct single case
studies to scientifically evaluate the efficacy of EMDR treatment with individuals recovering
from chemical dependency. The team of professionals involved in this effort consists of
Silke Vogelmann-Sine, Ph.D.,CSAC, NCAC II, Larry F.Sine, Ph.D., CSAC, Nancy J.
Smyth, Ph.D., C.S.W.., C.A.S.A.C., and A. J. Popky, M.A.
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