As a practitioner I find EMDR as an excellent technique in some clinical cases. But the most impressive results was reached when this technique was combined with the elements of Rational Emotive Therapy.I treated 6 patients with EMDR.
1 was suffered from anxiety disorder. Another one had depressive masochistic peronaltity disorder (in the terms of O. Kerneberg) and 4 patients was suffered from excessive grief and depression related with it. But only last 4 patients responded well to EMDR technique. For 2 this patients I tried to perform intuitively (or heuristically)follow method:
1. After targeting memories I performed usual set of movement.
2. Then patient said about his/her associations, feelings. Usually in the case of excessive grief patient acted out their emotions. He/she told about his thoughts connected with feelings.
3. Patient's thoughts were consifered as misconseptions or illogical thinking and their were targeted for working through like during the RET.
I find this integrative approach more effective clinically. Effect occured more rapidly than I observed performing standart EMDR protocol.
I shall appreciate any opinion about my technique
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