If you are thinking of posting on this forum, please FIRST read other posts on your subject of choice. You may find your answer there -- which will save considerable time and effort for all concerned.
The volume of posts resulted in a need for deleting a number in order to allow continued access to the bulletin board. In many cases long threads were deleted, in others untitled or repetitious posts were eliminated. I apologize to the authors.
The purpose of this list is to advise clinicians and researchers. It is a professional list. There are a number of client posts which should, at this point, cover the bases. Please look at those if you are a layperson. There are a number of EMDR chat rooms listed for you in the client posts. If you are interested in a clinician referral, please contact inst@emdr.com. If you are interested in general information, what occurs in a treatment session, etc., please review the paperback book EMDR by Shapiro & Forrest (1997, BasicBooks). Client brochures are also available from the EMDR International Association at www.emdria.org.
Please label all questions and help requests as clearly as possible on the subject line in order to expedite a reply.
Thank you for your interest.
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