Well, it's not exactly a secret, but I agree it deserves more air time than it gets. It has however been covered in certain high visibility shows over the last decade. Skeptics are doing their job, to assure that science is established to support what we see clinically (or if not why not). People with resistance often need a quite experienced EMDR practitioner, because the cognitive interweaves need to be quite informed for some people in order to be effective. Also, the target selection for resistant people is key to getting things in the right order. For example, someone who is afraid to have any emotions is going to get stuck right away in EMDR, so early work may be needed for ego strengthening and the first targets may address the fear of having emotions, then on to the other targets. If you review this forum and its archives you'll find a wealth of case material about what gets stuck and why. There is not a lot of discussion about particular defenses and the possible targets to resolve those, but that's an interesting topic too for another day. Although we don't comment on specific cases here and rather make general comments only, if you want you are free to come back and report upon your experiences with EMDR and whether and how resistance entered into your processing.
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