Dear Sir, Scientific trappings or no, preverbal states do exist. I have been trapped there myself, so rather than quote research papers or a theory which attempts to frame something so that people like you might have a clue, I will address this from personal experience. In a preverbal state I can hear, but I do not understand language. The sounds people make are just tone and timber without content. I cannot respond, because there is no direction there in that language for me. I don't even understand the intent. I have no muscle tone, but am limp and passive. I have no desires or drives in this state, but just barely exist. And none of this is directed consciously, because in this state I do not think, I do not form pictures with or without meaningful content in my mind, and I am barely conscious of my surroundings. My mind is empty and still. So please, unless you too have experienced this state and can speak to this issue in a knowledgeable manner, do not attempt to inflict your ignorance on us. Diane
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