Why only hunter-gatherer
Evolutionary Psychology (Brody)
Why only hunter-gatherer
by John Grassi, 1/8/97
Why only the hunter-gatherer motif? Since the glaciers melted civilization has ordered itself at least three additional times around growing (when the great river deltas formed after the warming), trading (when overpopulation in these places created simultaneous abundance and scarcity), automating (when we learned to encapsulate power)-- all adaptive responses to major shifts in global constraints. True, subsequent logics include predecessors as special cases of themselves, but look at what you mis by stopping at the pre-riperian!
I think we are experiencing another transformation (hence all of the local regressions) as a consequence of our ability to distribute power via broadcast and digital technologies, and yes, it is "evolutionary" in the truest sense -- well beyond the Vince Lombardi doctrine.
--John Grassi
Human Evolution Continues, I Just Decided
by James Brody, 5/31/97
But Dawkins said, perhaps ... ?
by Dr Brian Robinson, 6/2/97
Dawkins and Gould Are Always Right, But ...
by James Brody, 6/8/97
Dawkins and God ...
by Brian Robinson, 6/20/97
A Dawkins Interview
by James Brody, 6/12/97
Evolution and Other Religions
by James Brody, 6/21/97
Some evolutionary ideas and God
by Mark Waugh, Ph.D., 6/23/97
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
by James Brody, 7/6/97
Dawkins and Jung
by John C. Fentress, 9/27/97
Give Dawkins a Feather?
by James Brody, 10/4/97
To Susan Couch re Man's Next Step
by James Brody, 10/7/97
God and natural selection...why not?
by Mary Elizabeth Coggins MSW MSA LSW, 5/17/98
Bishop Spong
by Elizabeth Rose, 12/8/98
Species: Got Any New Ones Lately?
by James Brody, 6/14/97
Viruses and Speciation
by James Brody, 5/11/98
Speciation Not Necessarily Abrupt
by Mike Hall, 5/15/98
Speciation: Concepts and Viral Roles
by James Brody; (PA); Kelly C Kissane, (Univ of Maryland); Marie Haskell, (U.K.); Ruth Strain, (U. of Rhode Island), Warren Sarle, ( Cary, N.C.); Howard Bloom, (Bronx, N.Y.); Joe Daniel, (Melbourne, Australia), 5/16/98
Species Categories and Psychophysics
by James Brody, 5/17/98
Evolution Continues, Thanks to the Little Fellows
by Mike Hall, Ph.D., 2/6/98
Evolution continues: head and brain size
by Dave Balding, 9/26/98
How does the Evolution of the Brain affect the future of Consciousness and information processing?
by Ginger Kirk, 1/9/99