Understanding that thought process is in itself subjective. What makes the interpertations of the writings of Darwin any more viable then the interpertations of the bible? And what makes Darwin any more of a "truth-finder" than Paul?
If "man" is nothing more than the sum of historical precedence, how can you explain creativity? Is man taught to be creative? By definition, creativity is the creation of something new in the absence of precedence; something that is not taught, not patterned, and not learned.
What about art? Two humans can stare at the same object and see two different things. One appealing and one not. Is that a learned or evolved reaction? Or is that a manifestation of creativity and free will?
Also, does human emotion evolve? According to your theory, it would follow that there is no use for emotion such as love or hatred. Perhaps Christianity provides a forum and an explanation for this. however, according to you, Christianity is only a human crutch. Therefore, is Christianity a PA for human emotion?