Yup, real, by Betty Harris, 7/1/97
Yes, Real, but, by Sean, 7/2/97
six of one...., by John Suler, 7/2/97
Communicating Online, by Betty Harris, 7/3/97
Effects of anonymity, by CK, 7/7/97
lonely at heart, by Stephanie, 7/15/97
re: lonely at heart, by John Suler, 7/15/97
Online relationships, by TWB, 7/25/97
lonely at heart, by Krista Ehrler..., 4/9/98
re:lonely at heart, by loveme1042, 6/10/98
lonely at heart/dissociated fantasy, by John Suler, 6/10/98
Real Love, by Evonne Lewis, 6/24/98
re: real love, by John Suler, 6/29/98
this thread about fantasy..., by John Suler, 8/26/97
words can hurt, by Stephanie, 7/14/97
re:words can hurt, by John Suler, 7/15/97
Cyberspace-can words hurt, by Keith Richardson, 9/23/97
re: can words hurt, by John Suler, 9/24/97
I disagree--words can hurt, by Jenny Schwieters, 9/25/97
Words Can Hurt, by MysticWarrior, 3/20/98
re: words and cognitions, by John Suler, 3/20/98
Words Can Hurt......, by Randie, 4/9/98
We have the option to use the ignore button, by kreative_minds, 10/3/98
We have the option to use the ignore button, by kreative_minds, 10/3/98
Cause and Effect?, by Michael Fenichel, 9/4/97