The particular variant you describe is new to me, but I can tell you that the subject of intense, transient physical or emotional discomfort is not at all unusual after EMDR. No one knows exactly what is going on, but I know what it looks like to me, having seen in innumerable times. It seems that the processing pulls out one or more BASK elements (behavior, affection, sensation, knowledge) associated with usually very early trauma. The session ends before the processing is complete, but the processing keeps "percolating", like an egg that keeps cooking after you take it out of the boiling water. Then the percolation causes another "piece" to work its way out of the body, and whammo! There is the intense experience as it comes out, like a burb, or a bubble that comes to the surface. It may be momentary or last for hours or even a day. Last week I had a client with a similar story, but her neck pulled her head sideways for a few hours, then it was gone. For those skeptics and scholars who question whether EMDR is a placebo or a simple variation of cbt/exposure therapy, how often do we hear stories like this about cbt and exposure? Never, I'll wager. This is an EMDR phenomenon.
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