If you have a chance, e-talk with Vick Kelly, who is Training Director of the Tomkins Institute. You can find him at vckelly@tomkins.org where he will be happy to discuss how our groups work. Involved is joining the SSTI (which I hope you will do anyway) and reading Tomkins along a prearranged course of study. If you click your way into the Tomkins Institute's home pages on BOL you will find information about the study group system. It helps to view shame within the spectrum of all nine affects, and to learn about the scripts that govern what we used to call "sadomasochistic behavior." A significant percentage of those who have contributed to this page (and the case conference page as well) have joined the SSTI and continued this part of their education with us.
And thanks for the kind words about "Shame and Pride." No one who writes about shame has lived free of it, and the knowledge that people like the book really feels good.