My husband is an acting out, low functioning borderline (today) and as I read your discussion of DV I thought, it is somewhat more abstracted than may be useful to clinicians. I'm not one, btw. Every attempt I made to keep his obvious illness in the medical arena was obstructed by societal prejudice -- "he weighs 300 lbs, he's a BATTERER!"
My husband has been violent, and the underlying reason makes no difference to my body. But, each & every episode, he was in the zone. I've learned to keep myself safely but the attitude "out there" remains. Once in despair, I called a hotline. The volunteer said "Violence? That has nothing to do with BPD: half of the men we process are BPD."
I know my husband's self is organized around shame. I need my community to know it, too.
Thanks for your good work!
Beth Ferrari