Hi, Jan! Welcome to our forum. For starters, we've placed on BOL an article on the relation between the management-type issues you reference and our own work. Click on http://www.behavior.net/orgs/ssti/twoarttemp.html#crime and see if that article interests you.
There are two easily available books that discuss the subject--a 1996 edited book called "Knowing Feeling: Affect, Script, and Psychotherapy," (W.W. Norton), which contains Vick Kelly's basic article on couples therapy (the book is worth purchasing for that reason alone) as well as David B. Moore's article on the theoretical underpinnings of their system for the management of problems in the juvenile justice world; and my 1992 book (paperback 1994) "Shame and Pride: Affect, Sex, and the Birth of the Self," which offers a workable summary of the theories involved.
Another way to get a feel for the subject would be to back up in BOL to the home page, then click through the "Bulletin" articles we've placed in the Tomkins Institute section. And if you continue to scroll through this growing forum, you may find many of your questions answered here. Unfortunately, because fora evolve in real time, the excellent material is not organized by topic. I wish there was some way to reframe it all, but this way the flavor of conversation is maintained.