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Founding Editorial Board

Warren Bennis Ph.D. is University Professor and Distinguished Professor of Business Administration at the University of Southern California and the founding chairman of USC’s Leadership Institute. He has written 18 books including : On Becoming a Leader (which was translated into 19 languages), Why Leaders Can’t Lead, and The Unreality Industry, co-authored with Ian Mitroff.

Bennis was successor to Douglas McGregor as chairman of the organization studies department at M.I.T. He also taught at Harvard and Boston Universities. Later, he was Provost and Executive Vice President of the State University of New York-Buffalo and President of the University of Cincinnati.

He has published over 900 articles and two of his books have earned the coveted McKinsey Award for the Best Book on Management. He has served in an advisory capacity to the past four U.S. presidents (for better or worse) and consulted to many corporations and agencies and to the United Nations.

Awarded 11 honorary degrees, Bennis has also received numerous awards including the Distinguished Service Award of the American Board of Professional Psychologists and the Perry L. Rohrer Consulting Practice Award of the American Psychological Association.

Herbert Benson M.D. is an associate professor of medicine at the Harvard Medical School, chief of the Division of Behavioral Medicine at the Deaconess Hospital, and president of the Mind/Body Medical Institute. Dr. Benson, a cardiologist, is one of the founders of behavioral medicine. He is the author of more than 125 scientific articles and four books: The Relaxation Response, The Mind/Body Effect, Beyond the Relaxation Response, and Your Maximum Mind. He is the co-editor of the Wellness Book.

Barrie R. Cassileth, Ph.D. is a specialist in psychosocial medicine and a pioneer in alternative medicine research. Her early work was the first to establish that American users of alternative medicine are better educated citizens who combine traditional and alternative approaches to treat disease. She has authored 79 original articles in the medical literature and is an advisor to the U.S. Government’s Office of Alternative Medicine. She is a member of the editorial boards or reviewer for more than 30 medical journals in several countries. She is often invited to lecture to physicians, other health professionals and consumer groups and has most recently talked in Moscow, Zurich, Bern, Taipei, Paris, Hamburg, and Toronto as well as in many major American cities. She is an adjunct professor of medicine on the faculties of the University of North Carolina and Duke University schools of medicine and is a highly respected researcher and scholar.

John M. Grohol, Psy.D. is a mental health expert and patient advocate who has been a leading pioneer of online mental health. While he has been involved in online services as early as 1981, he began on the Internet in 1991 by disseminating information on numerous mental health topics. Dr. Grohol quickly realized that it was difficult to find pertinent and relevant mental health information online, and so began compiling listings of newsgroup, mailing list, and World Wide Web resources (coining the term “pointers” since they pointed to relevant and useful information online). Contributing to Usenet newsgroups, he soon became the moderator of two newsgroups he founded, sci.psychology.research and sci.psychology.announce. Dr. Grohol has also founded over two dozen additional newsgroups devoted to psychology and self-help support topics online.

In 1995, Dr. Grohol founded the Grohol Mental Health Page to further disseminate his Pointers, which are still updated on a weekly basis. In September, 1995, he began working for CMHC Systems, a small mental health software developer, and released the largest mental health Web resource to date, Mental Health Net. Online, he is professionally involved in many mailing lists and newsgroup forums, is an Associate Editor of Behavior OnLine and an Assistant Editor for the InterPsych Newsletter. He has also contributed mental health insights to various books about online psychology and resources, including The Emperor’s Virtual Clothes by Dinty Moore and Dr. Tom Linden’s Guide to Online Medicine by Tom Linden. Dr. Grohol’s future immediate plans include the startup of a new, general online mental health journal and expanding the professional resources and conversations currently available through MHN and Behavior OnLine. He is also proud to be the co-chairperson for this year’s Connected Computer symposium hosted by the Cape Cod Insititute.

Gilbert Levin, Ph.D. is a professor of epidemiology and social medicine and of psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He is the founder of a nationally prominent doctoral program in health psychology and the founder/director of the Cape Cod Institute, a summer-long series of continuing education courses for mental health and applied behavioral science professionals since 1980. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and of the Academy for Behavioral Medicine Research.

Dr. Levin is an author of two books which use computer simulation to analyze health and mental health policies. He was a founding editor of Health Care Management Review and an editor of Computers in Psychiatry/Psychology. In collaboration with Elizabeth Levin, he developed widely distributed educational software. Dr. Levin is co-chair of the 1996 Connected Computer Symposium and is the editor and publisher of Behavior onLine, a gathering place for mental health and applied behavioral science professionals on the World Wide Web. Gil passed away in March 2020.

Paul Levinson, Ph.D., is Founder and President of Connected Education, Inc., offering media theory and philosophy courses via personal computers and modems for academic credit, and is on the Senior Faculty of the Graduate Media Studies Program at the New School for Social Research. He is author of such books as Mind at Large: Knowing in the Technological Age (1988), Electronic Chronicles (1992), and Learning Cyberspace (1995), and edited In Pursuit of Truth: Essays in Honor of Karl Popper’s 80th Birthday (1982). He co-organized the First Convocation of the Open Society and Its Friends with W. W. Bartley, III and Gerard Radnitzky in New York City in 1982. He has published more than 50 articles about the history and philosophy of technology and communications media; his popular columns appear regularly in Omni and Wired; his science fiction has appeared in Amazing Stories and Analog. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems.

Dr. Levinson’s editorial offices are located at:
Connected Education, Inc.
65 Shirley Lane
White Plains, NY 10607
Phone: (914) 428-8766
Fax: (914) 428-8775

Pedro Ruiz, M.D. is a professor and Vice-Chair for Clinical Affairs in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Texas/Houston Health Science Center. His academic career began at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where he is still a visiting professor and continued at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Dr. Ruiz is nationally and internationally recognized for his pioneering work in cross-cultural psychiatry and health services research.

Dr. Ruiz is a fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, the American College of Psychiatrists, the American Orthopsychiatric Association and the American Group Psychotherapy Association. He has served on many national peer review boards, advisory councils and professional committees. Dr. Ruiz has authored over 130 original publications and is co-editor of Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook which has become the most respected textbook, nationally and internationally, in the field of addiction.

Jonathan Schull, Ph.D. watched the internet revolution unfold on his desk at Haverford College where he was a tenured associate professor of Biological Psychology from 1980 to 1993. When he realized that his academic interest in the intelligence of evolving systems (minds, nervous systems, gene pools, social communication networks, etc.) was no longer academic, he left academia to explore the new marketplace of ideas. One thing lead to another. He founded SoftLock Services, whose patent-pending technologies for the distribution and sale of digital intellectual property have now been adopted by the world’s largest publisher as well as a number of the world’s smallest software entrepreneurs. And when it became clear that SoftLock’s clients would benefit from virtual bookstores and a virtual city with a real economy, SoftLock Services teamed up with AnyWare Associates to create Downtown Anywhere, the Internet’s first Virtual City, now listed as one of the Web’s 20 “Must-see” sites, in Ventana Media’s (1995) Walking the World Wide Web.

Current projects include SofLock’s Secure Password Vending Site in Downtown Anywhere, the integration of SoftLock technology with Adobe Acrobat and other web- savvy browsers, the creation of a web-based ancillary to Gleitman’s Introductory Psychology, WWNorton’s best-selling psychology textbook, the development of Behavior OnLine, the Web gathering place for mental health and applied behavioral science professionals and a hypermedia work in progress called Stairway to an Ecology of Mind.

Jordan Schwartz received his Masters in Psychology from the University of Washington in 1992. While there, he worked on an implicit attitude measure involving subliminal stimuli, in addition to investigating the Internet as a source for subjects in psychological research. He is now a Usability Engineer at Microsoft.

Jordan also maintains a number of web sites, including the popular Mind Games, which was cited recently by NetGuide Magazine. His Beekeeping Page and the Death of Rock n Roll site have both been recognized by Point Communications with “Top 5% of the Web” awards and he continues to maintain the the University of Washington Psychology Department Home Page as well as Seattle musician Casey Neill’s site.

Ernest S. Wolf, M.D. is on the faculty of the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis as a Training and Supervising Analyst. In addition he is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern University Medical School. He also participates in the panel “On Psychoanalysis” of PsyBC. Dr. Wolf was a close friend and colleague of Heinz Kohut with whom he published a jointly authored paper “The Disorders of the Self and their Treatment” in The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis (59:413-25, 1978). Together with a small group of colleagues (M. Basch, A. Goldberg, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin) they have carried on the work of Kohut.

Dr. Wolf’s work is reflected in the publication of several dozen papers and a book Treating the Self (Guilford Press, 1988). Among more recent papers are “On Being a Scientist or a Healer: Reflections on Abstinence, Neutrality, and Gratification” in The Annual of Psychoanalysis (20:115-129, 1992); “The Role of Interpretation in Therapeutic Change” in Progress in Self Psychology (9:15-30, 1993); “Disruptions of the Therapeutic Relationship in Psychoanalysis” in The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis (74:675-687, 1993); “Varieties of Disorders of the Self” in the British Journal of Psychotherapy (11:198-208, 1994).