Thank you so much for posting the site to the Florida statute on hypnosis.
I have been wanting to develop a creativity workshop that uses light trance to facilitate self-discovery through writing and artistic ability. Also to do a little independent scholarly research on same. I have personally had some excellent experiences with shamanic journeying (which, of course, involves trance), and that's more creative than clinical--although, I would argue, ultimately quite therapeutic.
I can see that, if I am very careful not to get into the realms of "neurotic" conditions, I may be able to do some good work using my skills until I am suitably through my internship period with the state of Florida. It's encouraging, because I thought I was going to have to go two years without being able to use my 125 hours of training (ASCH and the Wellness Institute) and certification in hypnosis.
Of course, I want to be able to find a position in Florida that will provide me with the clinical experience and supervision I need to achieve clinical social worker status in the state. That is my ultimate goal. Then I won't have to worry about it. But it's getting here, finding that job, and putting in the time that I found daunting. I'm excited now about prospects. Thanks again.