Well. here's my best shot at an answer. When we do open forum questions (table questions to a stakeholder) in our work, we always ask "Did that answer your table's question?" because we tend to be polite and pretend it
did -- and then we complain later, "I knew they wouldn't answer us!" So thanks for giving me another shot at it. Since most of our work has been with multi-faceted manufacturing plants or multi-faceted community organizations, the only answer I know is: the only limit we would impose (besides size of room -- 20 sq, ft per person) would be a common organizing principle...a reason for being together. One of the main pay-offs is that we can cross al cultures and become whole (one-brain, one-heart) and therefore if there is a reason to be whole, any amount of diversity will only enrich the pot.
How's that for an answer? "Did she understand the question or do you want to probe further?" Kathie