bIs anyone checking into this page? Is it just that I'm boring? Or are others not thinking about systems theory? I have been learning an enormous amount from my month-long acupuncture series: every day for a month is a powerful intervention into a body. Whether it has helped my disability is still unknown to me...others who saw me at a meeting this week told me that I am recharged, re-energized, glowing...I look the same to me. Some peopolle have taken to calling me Yoda, which doesn't seem very appealingto me (am I really that old and ugly?) but apparently it means they think I'm wise. In anyevent, it appears that the treatments have recharged my wisdom, which wouldn't be bad, would it? I have been hoping for them to recharge the functionn in my legs..but there you have it. Communicate with me! Kathie/Yoda