I attended your presentation this summer. I took good notes, modified my design to fit our culture. Long Story Short - We completed a Real Time Strategic Change Conference for 120 people in February. We had a cross section of the entire community - 4 levels deep, from 24 geographic locations. I was apprehensive at first - but some things you just go with a "Design - Do - Develop Model. It was a success. As with anything you make changes during the design (although it appears soemwhat seamless to the group). Others you capture as critcal lessons learned for furture designs.
Having done one - I feel very confident about doing it again even with a larger group.
I want to thank Kathie D. for the insights & encouagements to just go out & do it. I wrote down all those things she said - "Tattoo this & that" and went out & did it.
Kathie if you are there - leave a message.
Ken Guarino