Thank you for inviting me to be here. You can learn more about me from other parts of this site, but I wanted to pose a question for all/any of you to answer. We began doing whole-scale change processes in l98l with leadership from Ford Motor Company. We continued with what we had uncovered/discovered with Boeing with Marriott Hetels, Resorts and Suite, with Corning Glass and with many defense industry clients (after the Wall came down and there was a danger of peace (!)
We at our company have learned a lot over the past years and we know that these processes are robust ways to help organizations become whole in order to bring about the rapid change needed. We have recently (past five years) realized how important these processes can be in the old Third World countries...India, South Africa. etc., to get their companies moving quickly to respond to global opportunities. Probably the most important thing the people in India taught me is that an Indian national, at any level from top to bottom of a organization, tends to see the world through a systems window -- they don't think in the old industrial model.
My question to any of you is this: Where have you found systems thinking as a worldview/ It really excited me to think of untapped possibilities for quick change. Any answers? Thanks...Kathie