Thanks for writing to me..or us. Many of us , in my acquaintance, first learned to think and speak and act in a systems paradigm when we were in grad school, like you. And just as many of us keep pushing the boundaries about the what and why of it even up to the final stages (I'm almost 70 now). Your descriptionn of the body and mind as system is true -- it's just not taking you far enough yet, I'll bet. Clearly, "spirit" is part of our system -- as is the past (our past lives??) and present and future. Clearly (to me) all of my ego states get into the picture, along with all of yours. When you start pushing the definition, you'll be amazwd how far you see.
Have you read any of Meg Wheatley's books? Look up her last one: A Simpler Way -- and just scan it. My spirit soars with it. When Meg presents at a conference, and then I'm brought in to present after her, people tell us that Meg makes to concepts of self organizinng systems alive -- and whenI talk about our work, people say, "Now we know how to use the wisdom Meg gives us". If that should interest you, let me know and I'll send you some written materials we use to describe our Whole-Scale work. You would need toi ask, tho' -- I'm not pushing it on you!
Keep in touch .. and read Rick Slince's letter farther fownn -- I'll be you'd like it. Kathie
P.S. No miracle healing yet for me...but there's always more time.