Someone has been posting a flurry of harassing and unprofessional postings here in the last week. At the same time, there has been a flurry of postings sandwiched between the harassing ones, that are of a slightly more academic but still unprofessional tone, still harassing and beyond just skeptical. This correlation creates a hypothesis in my mind that the same person is producing both the wildly unprofessional postings and the only slightly more professional postings. So, readers, I'm sorry to say some "professionals" post very badly. I won't be sure about the correlation until the editor of this forum, who is currently unavailable for a brief period of time, is able to go through the data to identify the source of the harassing postings. He can determine the email id's of people who post here, though he never does unless we have a harasser, which of course happens from time to time. I will say this now. Skepticism is welcome here. I virtually embrace the erudite postings of scientific and professional posters who are skeptical. It is just fine. It's the purpose of the forum. However, when anyone, including those who are transparently academically trained, use anonymity coupled with harassment to express their skepticism, they don't hurt me or the forum or EMDR or Dr. Shapiro one little bit.
In the meantime, this constellation of postings have been deleted and will be deleted, which is too bad, because there are some gems lost as a result that are buried within the rubble. When the day comes that this "professional" skeptic raises his level of participation, his/her postings will be welcome here and won't be deleted.
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