Sometimes with EMDR we get shifts in emotions, sometimes shifts in body sensations, and sometimes it's the way we think about or look at things that shift. EMDR isn't really a truth detector, but it can help many people get clear on what they think. EMDR can sometimes be a largely cognitive experience, though sometimes people do that as a defense against unpleasant emotions. The interesting thing about a nickname is that, even (or especially) if it is disparaging, there may be an ego state, an aspect of self, that identifies with the name. Other parts of self may reject the name. Doing EMDR that targets the name and the feelings that go with it, and allowing internal dialogue from the pro and con sides of the issue of the name, can go a long way to increase understanding and compassion for the self. These are general comments only and may not apply to you; talk to your therapist please.
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