Each of us, Ed, Margaret, Jim, Rich, Vick, Don and everyone who contributes to this forum is more alike than different, and the differences we do have are healthy. It's easier to see and act from that truth if/when we can feel we are supported here to heal shame. That's a possibility. But opening to the possibility, letting in support, and letting go of old patterns like attack-other and attack-self can seem too big, too much. I think Ed and I are very, very much alike.
Speaking for myself and from my experience with other men, letting in caring and expressing caring (and no longer competing) is really difficult. Thank you, Margaret and Jim, for saying I'm making some progress....if so, it's because I'm feeling supported by you, Don, Vick and everyone to try (the positive "norm influence" we are generating in this mini-system!). I hope Ed is allowing some of the caring in too. I'm just now beginning to understand the title of Gershen Kaufman's book, _Shame: The Power of Caring_. Thanks everyone. Chauncey