Schemas, Assumptions, and Beliefs, Oh My!
February 5, 2014 by James Pretzer
Filed under Cognitive Therapy
The term “schema” has been popular in cognitive-behavioral circles in recent years with theorists discussing the role of schemas in a range of disorders, researchers studying schemas, and clinicians proposing a range of interventions for modifying problematic schemas. The terms “schema”, “core belief”, “irrational belief”, “underlying assumption”, “dysfunctional belief”, etc. have sometimes been used interchangeably […]
A Conversation with Henry Stein
March 18, 2000 by Gil Levin
Filed under Conversations
BOL: Alfred Adler’s name is better known to today’s therapists than are his ideas and methods. Your dedication to this body of work must be based on the belief that contemporary practice is diminished because Adler’s contributions are not fully enough understood or used currently. What are the key elements of the Adlerian contribution to […]