Evolving Organizations to Autonomous Teams
Organizational Development
Evolving Organizations to Autonomous Teams
by James R. Dillon (dillonjr@kodak.com), 10/30/96
I am a training manager and as such have the charter to evolve our
organization into "teams" where the teams are autonomous including PA
reviews on each other, setting daily production schedules (it is a
production/assembly line operation), determining who needs training and
what type they need and scheduling accordingly (I need to develop and
design...or have designed, the specific training),etc...essentially
running their own shop with the managers/supervisors/coaches playing the
role of resource provider, road block slayer, etc.
Is there any research/benchmark data on how to best approach this? I am
interested in the psycho/social aspects of how the people are going to
react to the changes, how best to provide change management and an
atmosphere of caring while all this is going on, etc. I am concerned that
traditional approaches fail miserably due to lack of understanding of the
human issues and variables and consequently most approaches/plans fail to
get real buy in and acceptance.
I appreciate you help, time and advice.