I have had training through ASCH to the intermediate level and have used hypnosis to a limited degree in my practice. I am interested in reinforcing study and have been looking into the American Institute of Hypnotherapy's distance learning offering for the doctorate in hypnotherapy. It purports to offer Ericksonian methods as well as NLP and other areas I am interested in (e.g., quantum theory and mind-body approaches that I suspect draw on the work of Rossi and others).
I have heard horror stories from people who have trained through other programs and don't want to make the same mistake. Can anyone comment on whether the AIH program would be of any value to me? I know that a distance- learning effort will not be as valuable as hands-on training; however, if I can learn something through this program and do it on the side without having to travel anywhere, it might be worth it to me to proceed. Unless it's so laughable I'll wind up deeply chagrined down the road...much like authors who publish with a vanity press must feel when those in the know start rolling their eyes when they see the copyright page of the proud, unsuspecting author's "baby."
Comments, anyone? Horror stories? Alternatives that may be available? Cautions?