My name is Paul Mitchell, a student at Ryerson Polytechnic University, in Toronto, Canada. I'm conducting research to determine what are 10 to 15 of the most commonly used assessment materials and resources in the areas listed below.
* child behaviour (checklists) * personality/behavioural assessment * cognitive assessment materials * memory and auditory procession tests * ADD assessment materials * assessment materials for child depression
Would anyone know of any published guides or practicing professionals in any of these areas that would be able to provide this information?
I'm also trying to determine what materials and resources may be in use in other countries such as Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, that haven't yet been commonly used here in Canada or even the US.
At any rate, if you can assist me in this research I would be greatly appreciative.
Please respond directly to me via my email address listed below. Thank you in advance.
Paul Mitchell