Your question is quite broad, however here is a start for you.
Some sources to consider: D. Patrick Zimmerman's chapter called "A Comparison of Commonly Used Treatment Measures" in the book Outcome Assessment in Residential Treatment published 1996 by the Haworth Press, Inc has a table based on a survey of American Psychological Association clinicians by Archer et al, 1991. The full citation from the original publication is Archer, Maruish, Imhof & Piotrowski (1991)Psychological Test Usage with Adolescent Clients: 1990 Survey Findings. Professional Psychology Research and Practice,22, p. 249.
Frequency of Use of Psychodiagnostic Instruments with Adolescents
2. Rorschach
3. Bender-Gestalt
4. Thematic Apperception Test
5. Sentence Completion
7. Human Figure Drawing
8. House-Tree-Person
9. Wide Range Achievement Test
10. Kinetic Family Drawing
11. Beck Depression Inventory
12. Millon Adol. Personality Inventory
13. MacAndrew Alcholism Scale
14. Child Behavior Checklist
15. Woodcock Johnson
16. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
17. Conners Behavior Rating Scale
18. Beery VMI
19. Reynolds Adol. Depression Scale
20. Children's Depression Inventory
The number reflects the weighted ranking, i.e. the WISC/WAIS are the most commonly used measures based on this survey.
It is not clear whether you are seeking only measures that pertain to children/adolescents or whether you are also focusing on adults.
Additionally do you want to determine the most commonly used measures in clinical practice or from a research perspective (i.e. the most commonly measures used in published studies)?
Please clarify and we can keep adding to this posting. It may be informative for others as well.
Ellen Dornelas