I read with interest your posting. I have a brilliant son who can do extrodinary things academically yet comes apart when forced to take part in a discussion with his peers. He is the main programer for a computer company and started his own programming company at 15. This summer he had 11 job offers from computer companies. He is still in high school. He has always scheduled study time for himself for extra things that interested him and as a result has self taught himself computer programming, advanced algebra, calculus, etc. He is a straight A student and takes college courses too. He is a loving, sweet and enthusiastic person who is adored by his immediate family. As a family we are kind of quiet but friendly and basically happy. We are good at encouraging each other. My son seems to have very little self esteem, however, and I cannot think of how we screwed up. We are not "yellers" or strict disciplinarians. We don't humiliate or ridicule. He talks our ears off about the things he is learning but he seems to find it impossible to allow anyone else inside. He appears to be unable to do anything but mumble short replies to anyone his own age. He does well with adults and children but cannot make friends. As a small child he sometimes had friends but these were children I babysat or he some how couldn;t escape. Now that he is older he locks himself in his room when ever confronted with a situation where he may have to have a conversation with another teen. When in suituations where he must stay in the same room with kids here for social reasons....church, parties, teenage sisters friends..... he is painful to watch. He bites the side of his lips, clenches his hands, half covers his face and avoids looking anyone in the eyes. He escapes at the first opportunity. I had one teacher mention something about "selective mutism" since he does well at home or with the men he works for and his clients. He doesn't seem miserable but he leads such a solitary life that it worries me. It seems to be getting worse instead of better. Any suggestions? Anyone have anyone similar in their lives?