No sex for me either. After several failed marriages, I started raising my kids and tried to date at intervals after that with the coaxing of my friends, who believed that I would die if I did not have sex. But somehow, the fun of raising my kids from day to day and the busy lifestyle of raising two kids alone, sex did not enter into the realm of things. So now the kids are grown, and sex is the last thing on my mind. I love to watch people in love and love to watch romantic love stories on television, but it is like watching life go on around me and the interest in a relationship between me and a male is not appealing to me at the present. It is like it would be bothersome to me. I guess that I have become self-centered in my old age...I want to do stuff that I like and want to enjoy it expressly by myself and don't want any interference from anyone. The ideal life did not happen for therefore I guess that I have made my on happiness within myself and don't want to ever take the chance of someone screwing my life up anymore. I know that I sound bitter, but I am not. I love sunshine, birds, sunsets, flowers and little babies. So just because society labels you "unhappy" does not necessarily mean that you are.