I strolled past Electronics Boutique and tripped over a supernormal releaser, the word, "Evolution" as the title on a game box. The product, by Interplay, is so new that there are no disks in the box. The ad raves about your becoming an early life form and competing with 4 or 5 others for food and reproduction. Volcanoes, glaciers, and other geologic changes are part of the selective pressures. The clock runs at 30K years per second.
Sounds like it could be wonderful so far as integrating information from several disciplines. I've read the time charts and associated life forms many times. I have trouble aligning the changes in life with the concurrent changes in our atmosphere and our continents.
Unfortunately, the game is so new that not even Interplay's home page has much information about it. (The carton also has a sticker from the Discovery Channel.)
More later.