Hi Nam, you sound quite a dedicated therapist.
You asked me about our training here in Vancouver, and now that I have almost gone through mine, I can answer your question.
First of all, the students. Most of them are either teachers, or employed therapists. I do not know how can they manage full time employment and still complete the program.
Secondly, the program. The emphasis is on DSM-IV personality, pathology, other popular theories, and Ethics. Adler’s theories of deviant behavior, goals and purposed behavior. We learn about Dreikurs mainly in relation to parenting and children misbehavior. Life Style, ER and family Constellation. During practicum, emphasis is on Cognitive therapy, but AD theory must be also present. We incorporate "the question" "what if…", "Act as if…", Goals, etc. We also introduce clients to parenting groups when this is appropriate.
I have just come back from Chicago where I took some courses. I also went through the Oral Examination. Now, I just need to complete the practicum.
I hope this answers your questions. If not, just ask.