After reading your observations above, I find you locked in a hallucination of your own, perhaps even re-convincing yourself of un-truth's. I find your comments potentially harmful to those who do not have the proper medical background or training. People with serious illness may read your comments and find themselves at a dead end after following your advice. A person with a serious illness may find some of the passages in A Course in Miracles and The Celestine Prophecy very disturbing. For the teachings of Christian - Judeo - Catholicism lead a reader through a story with no end, so a person feeling disconnected with himself and his environment may take this unfinished story in the two above-mentioned titles and without proper consultation, therapy, and/or medication may take his own life and the lives of others into his own hands to provide an end to the story. I strongly recommend you choose your words more carefully before placing such an editorial in this particular forum. So it appears to me that your quest has not finished but only begun.