There are a number of things one can do to minimize attrition. The first is to use multiple methods of recruitment. You will reach more people with print, but you will get more people to actually enroll by phone. You can expect to reach about 70% of the people you want to call within 2 phone calls. More phone calls is not necessariy cost effective.
Once you get someone on the phone, you can further minimize attrition by carefully qualifying the person. It will help to ask about five to ten questions to help you qualify participants. You may want to ask about diagnosis to establish that they meet your profile, but may also want to ask about health belief, self-efficacy, readiness, and perceived barriers to participation. You might ask about a learning profile to see that there is a match with the modalities you are suggesting. Informed consent will establish willingness.
I particularly like to query about expected outcomes from the participant's point of view. Clarifying expectations up front is a critical step in diminishing attrition.