In an earlier thread I talked about ego state protocols and how it is possible to "do" ego state work with ordinarily dissociative persons VS dissociative disorders. ("standard emdr..." 8/18). With the first population, ego state work is a luxury and a helpmate, in the latter, it is a fact of life. Working with the former can desenstize one to the latter. It is easy for me to fathom how someone can be "big" into ego state theory and NOT screen for DID. Seven months into treatment with a therapist skilled in ego state work and supposedly conversant with DD -- to whom I had identified myself as DID/DDNOS in our initial phone contact, with whom I had extensively discussed parts, including drawing a system map, etc -- she looked at me one day and said "You know, I think you REALLY are DID." Yes, of course. But her experience with ego state work actually blinded her to that fact... she was so used to talking in terms of "parts" that she failed to see the DID sort, right in front of her, and labeled for her perusal. Perhaps it would have helped her AND me if she ever administered the DES, SCID or other screenings. That's how one can be conversant in ego state work and clueless about DD. My two cents... these could, of course, be experiences entirely unique to my therapy and personality and therapist, but I somehow doubt it. I don't think I'm that special.
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