“…I'm arguing with someone who thinks placebo may be as good as EMDR. On the other hand, I'm cautioning someone about the necessarily prep steps for EMDR, because its so far from a placebo that it can be disruptive if people aren't ready for it.” While I appreciate your patience and long-suffering with those of us that differ with your POV, I also understand the hostility and scorn of those aggravated with your insistence that EM/bls is more than placebo (and/or that EMDR is distinctive from CT/CBT) in light of all the contrary evidence. And yet, because of your belief in EMDR, and, as I perceive, your empathy, I expect you yourself are a good therapist--but not because EMDR is anything more than CT and/or CBT, but because of your “belief,” and your ability to connect with, and perhaps motivate, your clients...you know, the so called common factors.
Sandra: By this statement, are you implying that since EMDR “can be disruptive,” it’s therefore (obviously?) more effective than placebo? If so, then by similar reasoning one could argue that Voodoo also is “so far from placebo” (actually nocebo) because it has been shown to be so disruptive (when used by, and imposed on, believers). The information and explanations provided by Cahill confirm, beyond any reasonable doubt, that there’s no evidence that eye movements/bls are more than placebo.
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