You asked, "Does EMDR combined with ego states and the conference room model have more effectiveness for any specific learning modality than another?" There is no research on this question so its my observation only that tells me that visual people do better than nonvisual. At the same time, most everybody is visual enough to do conference room. When they insist that they aren't, I say, okay, just turn your attention to the space where a conference room would be if you were visual. Then they report shapes or colors or more. I had one person insist he couldn't visualize. Turns out he meant he couldn't visualize the stitching on Buddha's robe, but he could visualize Buddha and the robe! Some do auditory accessing by just listening, or just feel the internal answers to questions, and I just interview the body and the body expresses feelings in reply. You also ask, "Does EMDR's effectiveness vary depending on whether a person is more concrete or abstract in their thinking?" Not particularly. Most anybody can benefit. Sometimes the more concrete folks may not get the big insights that an abstract person might, seeing the big picture. Sometimes then a certain gentle cognitive interweave can promote an insight, if one is desperately needed. Sometimes its not needed though, and desensitization alone is enough to get the shift.
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