I am treating a 20 year old male patient suffering from OCD. He is complaining from contamination problem. His problem started in march 2002 while he was cutting his hair at hairdresser saloon. The hairdresser cut his head slitely with the reazer and he started to bleed. He thought he will be afflicted by AIDS. He was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for three weeks. After given medication and behaviour theray his situation imporoved partially. He as then discharged. His problem became warse one months later when he began to neglect himself. He does not wash or brush his teeth. He does not change his choths for almost a week. He does not eat food touched or prepared by others even his own mother or any member of his family. He maily eats ready packed food. His started to behave like a psychotic. I have tried CBT with him with no success. He does not respond to treatment. What advice can any one give me regarding this case. Thanks.
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