Sorry this is a bit long but there's a great article in I accessed it via the web but I'm not sure if this is available to eveyone (I'm at Uni).!&_cdi=5900&_sort=d&_acct=C000010578&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=128556&md5=416923031acf7475d4712f8f5a62071e Report: developing principles and policies for arts therapists working in united kingdom prisons Colin Teasdale MA, (RCA), RATH* I didn't think I should post the whole article but here are his references at the the end. Hope they're useful. If you'd like more emailed to you direct contact me at regards Shass References Aulich, L., 1994. Fear and loathing: Art therapy, sex offenders and gender. In: Liebmann, M. Editor, , 1994. Art therapy with offenders Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, pp. 165¯196. Boyle, J., 1990. The value of the visual arts to a prisoner. In: Riches, C. Editor, , 1990. The visual arts in prisons. Proceedings of a one day conference Royal College of Art, London, pp. 41¯47. British Psychological Society. (1995). Division of clinical psychology professional practice guidelines. Leicester, UK: BPS.. Carrell, C. and Laing, J., 1982. . The special unit, Barlinnie Prison: Its evolution through its art Third Eye Centre, Glasgow. Cordess, C. and Cox, M. Editors, 1996. Forensic psychotherapy: Crime, psychodynamics and the offender patient. Volume one: Mainly theory and Volume two: Mainly practice Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London. Cronin, P., 1994. Ways of working: Art therapy with women in Holloway Prison. In: Liebmann, M. Editor, , 1994. Art therapy with offenders Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, pp. 102¯120. Cullen, E., Jones, L. and Woodward, R. Editors, 1997. Therapeutic communities for offenders John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. de Zulueta, F., 1993. . From pain to violence: The traumatic roots of destructiveness Whurr Publishers, London. Department of Health & Home Office, , 1994. . 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HM Prison Service. (1998). Arts therapists working in prisons. London: HM Prison Service Instructions Unit, Instruction to Governors (PSI / 43) (for England and Wales).. Hoskyns, S., 1994. Observing offenders: The use of simple rating scales to assess changes in activity during group music therapy. In: Gilroy, A. and Lee, C. Editors, 1994. Art and music therapy research Routledge, London, pp. 138¯151. Liebmann, M. Editor, , 1994. Art therapy with offenders Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London. Loth, H., 1994. Music therapy in forensic psychiatry: Choice, denial and the law. Journal of British Music Therapy 8 2, pp. 10¯18. Mc Court, E., 1990. Art therapy in prison. In: Riches, C. Editor, , 1990. The visual arts in prisons. Proceedings of a one day conference Royal College of Art, London, pp. 34¯40. Peaker, A. and Vincent, J., 1990. . Arts in prisons: Towards a sense of achievement Home Office Research & Planning Unit/Arts Council of Great Britain, London. Peaker, A. and Vincent, J., 1994. . Writers in residence in prisons Arts Council of Great Britain/Unit for the Arts & Offenders, London. Riches, C. Editor, , 1990. The visual arts in prisons. Proceedings of a one day conference Royal College of Art, London. Sloboda, A., 1997. Music therapy & psychotic violence. In: Welldon, E. and van Velsen, C. Editors, 1997. A practical guide to forensic psychotherapy Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, pp. 121¯129. Stamp, S., 1998. Dramatherapy with offenders. In: Thompson, J. Editor, , 1998. Practices and perspectives in prison theatre Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, pp. 89¯108. Teasdale, C. (Ed.). (1997). Guidelines for arts therapists working in prisons. Croydon, UK: Home Office/HM Prison Service (for England and Wales) Education Service.. Teasdale, C., 1997. Art therapy as a shared forensic investigation. Inscape: British Association of Art Therapists 2 2, pp. 32¯40. Welldon, E. and van Velsen, C. Editors, 1997. A practical guide to forensic psychotherapy Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London. West, A., 1996. The risks of burnout. In: Cordess, C. and Cox, M. Editors, 1996. Forensic psychotherapy: Crime, psychodynamics and the offender patient. Volume two: Mainly practice Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, pp. 229¯240.
The Arts in Psychotherapy, Vol 26, No. 4
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