Student and professional art therapists with an interest in the international community of art therapists and contacts..... International Networking Group of Art Therapists (ING/AT) The ING/AT, established in 1989, is a membership organization representing student and professional art therapists in 77 countries whose mission is to increase international networking and information exchange with particular interest in reducing the isolation of colleagues attempting to advance the profession of art therapy single-handedly. The ING serves as a communications hub and publishes a semi-annual newsletter for members. No dues notices are sent; dues expiration dates appear behind the names on newsletter mailing labels.
Countries with designated English-speaking "correspondents," are able to translate
incoming and outgoing communications and submit reports on the state of the profession, problems encountered and solutions found; pose questions in search of solutions on organizing a national professional association, promoting the profession, developing job markets, planning formal or informal education and training programs, sponsoring a conference or seminar; seek contact with experienced art therapists or neighboring nations with whom they can share experiences or collaborate to expand their knowledge base. English is the official language of ING/AT. The newsletter is the primary medium of exchange and features reports on the status of art therapy and professional development in various countries, book reports, an International Calendar of Events & Conferences, minutes of ING meetings held anywhere in the world, names and addresses of ING Correspondents and National Art Therapy Associations, formal education & training programs and informal educational opportunities. ING/AT also responds to individual members' requests for information; others are expected to become members. Since ING resources cannot cover the expense of the extensive number of requests received, non-members are referred to the following resources for the most frequently requested information:
1. Graduate art therapy educational opportunities in the world, especially USA & European countries.
A. In Europe: Contact ECArTE (European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education)
whose members are Universities and Institutions of Higher Education providing
nationally validated and professionally recognized courses in the arts therapies.
ECArTE has defined minimum criteria for initial training as an art therapist.
Contact: Dr. Line Kossolapow,
B. In U.S.A.: Contact: American Art Therapy Association, Inc.,
1) Educational Program List of AATA-approved graduate programs and non-
approved graduate and undergraduate programs in colleges and universities.
USA non-member cost is $2.00.
2) Education Standards: Approved course of study for the profession.
USA non-member cost is $1.00.
3) General Information Packet: Includes #1 and #2 above plus Art Therapy: The
Profession, Resources List, Professional Membership Criteria, Information and
Membership Applifcation. USA non-member cost is $6.00.
C. Other countries: ING/AT maintains the most complete information known to exist.
2. Names of art therapists in a specific country: The ING Directory by country is available
to members only!
3. Job qualifications and opportunities in a specific country: Limited information and
available to members only!
4. List of facilities willing to host cross-cultural research: ING is developing a database
of international research on art therapy and host facilities. Our data increases regularly.
Contributions about art therapy research completed or in process is welcome from all
reliable sources.
5. List of US facilities for supervised internships: No such listing is possible! Facilities are
too numwerous and throughout 50 states. Brief internships (under 9 months or one full
academic year) are discouraged and rare.
6. Dates and places of upcoming art therapy conferences and seminars: A regular feature
of the ING Newsletter is the International Calendar of Events.
7. Requests for financial subsidies, grants, or scholarships for study, programs or projects:
ING does not grant financial aid to any individuals or programs. Our low $15.00 annual
dues are still not affordable to art therapists in underdeveloped countries whom ING most
wants to reach. In such cases, ING dues are waived and costs of membership services
are borne by dues-paying members in developed countries.
ING Newsletter Index:
[Back orders of newsletters will be filled with prepayment of US$5.00 per issue.]
Vol. 1, August 1990:
Australia, Brazil, China, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, No. Ireland, Scotland
Vol. 2, April 1991:
Britain, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Switzerland
Vol. 3, Spring 1992:
Brazil, Chile, China, Germany, India, Japan
Vol. 4, Fall 1992:
Australia, Sweden, ECArTE, EABONATA (European Advisory Board of National Arts Therapists Associations)
Vol. 5, November 1993:
Brazil, Cuba, Israel, Mexico
Vol. 6, Summer 1994:
E. Canada, Greece, Hungary, No. Ireland
Vol. 7, Summer 1995:
England, France, Israel, No. Ireland
Vol. 8, Winter 1996-7:
Brazil, E. Canada, China, India
Vol. 9, Summer 1997:
Argentina, Cuba, Iran, Poland, Russia
Vol. 10(1), Winter 1998:
Albania, Austria, Brazil, Chile, Italy, Kazakstan, Korea, Lithuania, Slovakia
Vol. 10(2), Summer 1998:
Australia, France, Israel, Lithuania, Mexico, Thailand
Vol. 11(1), Winter 1999:
Canada, Czech Republic, England, Finland, No. Ireland, Russia, Spain
Vol. 11(2), Summer 1999:
Argentina, Canada, France, Hungary, Italy, Kuwait, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand
Vol. 12(1), Winter 2000:
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Iceland, Israel, Korea, Poland, Romania, Russia,
South Africa
Vol. 12(2), Summer 2000:
Argentina, Canada, Croatia, Ecuador, India, Israel, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Netherlands, No. Ireland, Peru,
Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia
Vol. 13(1), Winter 2001:
Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden
Credentials (ATR-BC, ATR, RATh, Other):
Mailing address:
Home/Business address:
Postal Code:
Home Telephone:
Work Telephone:
E-mail Address:
Annual Dues: ____ Individual: US$15.00 ____ Institution/Organization: US$25.00
____ New Member ____ Renewal
Do you consent to your name/address being given to art therapists wishing contact?
____ Yes ____ No
Make checks payable in U.S. funds through a U.S. bank or send an international postal money order payable to Bobbi Stoll. Mail with this form to:
International Networking Group of Art Therapists (ING/AT)
Bobbi Stoll, MFT, CTS, CGP, ATR-BC, HLM
8020 Briar Summit Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90046 U.S.A.
Home: 323-656-0858
Work: 323-650-5934
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