Hold up a bit will ya? I am not so taken up with your philosophy, creeds and directions as you might be now thinking; and/or that you have been perhaps anticipating me to be. I am very aware of fundamental differences between you and I Robin. So take a couple of deep breaths, relax yourself, and perhaps float on back down to earth where you will find me standing willingly. So now let's do some good old fashioned dialogue. Being to being. Soul to soul.
Your responses Robin are many faceted and complex. To much effort is required to address all your statements line by line, so I will cut corners. This will cause me to be a bit more blunt and honest than might be wholly justified, but such is a drawback of not having a ftf dialogue. My apologies, (if so required), are now abundantly given in advance because of the short comings of this two-dimensional communication process. My intentions in this post are clear and honest however.
Let's begin with your post "Beginings", which was made in response to my challenges which I made in response to your original challenge. You make statement that in your consciousness, my posts are as real a communication as if I were sitting with you. Now I will be very clear about this issue Robin. If I accept you at your word, then I am so likewise diminished from the person I am. You see Robin, I am much more then a few clever words on a computer screen, no matter how much they spark you up and ring your bells. I appreciate your attempt to excite me, but whatever you are experiencing in your consciousness it surely is NOT the same as me being there. Your statement to the contrary simply encourages me to appreciate YOU as childish, hopelessly wishful, and somewhat shallow in the nature of your appreciation of ME. I am a real flesh and blood being Robin, and I am not just what your consciousness enjoys me to be. Okay, let's move on.
You make statement that you go all the way with 'this consciousness stuff' You say that pure consciouness is God, and vice-versa, and that this is the stuff the universe is made of. Well Robin, I too have a consciousness, and my conscious is my own. Since it is my own, I alone give it real value. You can appreciate my consciousness by giving it potential and/or projected value only, but I alone own it. And it is much more 'real' to me than to you. I experience me first hand; you experience me second-hand. And my first-person experience is not for sale or trade or otherwise tender. I also have a pure conscious Robin. I define such for me as being whole, and in a form, and in action, and my conscious being as occupying a point in time/space as pure energy sourced from a biological/existential phenomena. I am unique, and so is every one else. Since we are all unique we are paradoxically all the same. I am a unique person in a soup of persons. I am but one human among billions. So I am also a smallness in a soup of greatness. I am also humbled in a soup of humility. I am me and you are you and we are only the same because we are both different.
Your strivings for pureness and perfection are (to me) a misguided path to a self-centerdness power without awareness of the orgin of that power. Such unawareness will lead to corruption of the very thing you are attempting to achieve Robin. I make these statements cuzz you say that pure consciousness is God, and yet you also say that you are striving to achieve a pure conscious. By your striving you then define yourself as a 'not God'. But if you should ever attain your goal, you would must then become a 'God', and you of course would then cease to exist as a 'not God'.
Perhaps you might be able to get away with saying that you would only be 'sharing' the pure consciousness 'with God', at God's level then of course, but the trouble with that is what yardstick will you then employ, what reference point will you then obtain outside of your mutually shared consciousness with God to ascertain the value-point and worth of your sharing. The universe encompasses all. God encompasses the universe. If you become 'one as God' in the way I take you to be describing, you can't measure yourself without also measuring God; and so then measuring the universe. Such measuring is impossible, except in fantasy.
For me Robin, I can not even measure my own consciousness in a meaningful way, let alone the entire universe. Fantasy is an intergral function of consciousness, it is not a product of. And the same with awareness. And dreams, and thoughts, feelings, and the rest of the 'stuff' as you say. You say Robin that all that 'stuff' is a disturbance in your consciouness. Well Robin, for me reality is the only disturbance in my consciousness; not the function of my consciousness itself. The only product I can therefor attribute to consciousness is the process of conflict between my consciousness and reality. Reality is not within my consciousness nor is IT my consciousness Robin; my consciousness is WITHIN reality; it is a function of reality, not a product of. Likewise the only product of reality that I can ascertain consciously is, of course, the identical same process of conflict once again. Experience is the product of the said process conflict. And the structure can continued to be built, but such would quickly go beyond the purpose of this post.
I want to also say at this point Robin that although I am aware of many conflicting statements made by you, I am also aware that you are being honest with yourself, without guile, and I appreciate that not all your statements are in internal conflict within yourself. For example, I really like your statement that to love one person one must love every person. I agree completely. Having said that, in process I do not agree that love that I share with my wife is dependant on my ability to love 360 degrees around me. I will say that the value of the sharing, the sweetness of it, the power of the sharing, not the love itself, depends on my sharing some "quality of the quanity" with others as well as my wife. Not the love itself Robin, but the quality of the sharing must be 360 degrees. A good example is this:
You and your wife, I and Shona (my wife), all go to a hamgurg joint and order cheeseburgs, fries, and shakes. I pay for the whole thing. I bring the order to our table and we share it out and enjoy our meal. My wife got the same as you and your wife. The sharing process is the same. I would not go as far as giving you and your wife your burgers and also give mine and my wife's burgers. The sharing process would then not be the same. Do you understand? What is mine is mine, and yours is yours. If I give you something, then I am in a process of giving to you what is already yours because it is not mine since I am giving it to you. When I share with someone I am really sharing the process and not the thing itself.
Like Jesus said "Render onto Ceasar that which is Ceasor's, and render onto God that which is God's."
Finally, on to your post 'Call of the Soul'. I hate to be to brutal here Robin, but as flatly as I can say-- I am NOT YOUR AUDIENCE or part of such. I am not waiting, and it is not by some sort of magic that I have not missed a word. My computer and the internet are marvels of technology to be sure, but hardly mystical magic. As for calling me to my soul Robin, I answerd that call many, many years ago from a much higher authority than either you or me. And as for going where no man or woman has gone before, speak for yourself please Robin. I am already fairly farout enough, and I don't really see the need to spread myself into a new dimension, especially one where my soul will be disembodied. Spirit flying can be amusing, but I hardly grant it the level of a new consciousness. I for one do care where my body is Robin.
As for your staement that most people having had mouths and ears for millions of years and have not even begun to learn how use them Robin, yours seem to work fairly well. And if you really believe what you are saying about those 'most people' than include me in with the whole bunch of them then Robin; cuzz I would rather live with the poor who are honestly without, then live with the rich who are only seemingly rich because they believe they can so easily distance themselves from such same poverty by simply identifying everyone else's poverty instead of accepting ownership for their own. A lesson I learnt as a schoolyard child is don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.
Any ways Robin, I am the guy you refer to as having tossed the ball to you. Thats true, but it takes at least two to play this game. Your responses have sent the ball back to me. Let me tell you clearly Robin, that I have now put the ball back in my pocket, and I am going home. Your a salesman Robin, and maybe even a good one, but until holodecks become a reality, I prefer keeping my soul under the big blue sky, the puffy white clouds, and the wind lightly in my face. I like the rain too. So, see ya around Robin.
Sincerely, best wishes brother,
Dale R. Smith, Just Another Ordinary Guy
John, thanks much for the air-time.
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