I am weighing that ball of yours Dale. Interesting what we communicate with images. It is a high level and imparts more than we know if we listen. I was sitting in the park last night here in Brazil feeling fine in my present surroundings when my consciousness drifted toward this forum and to you who I have met so briefly, and I felt myself put up in front, on stage so to speak, with this ball in my hands and a microphone in front of my mouth, feeling this cyber meeting space inside of me, and you my audience waiting, and with the anticipation of people about to walk into the room after I have started to speak, but by some magic they will not have missed a word.
So I call you all to your souls. As Mystic has said, this medium with its absence of distraction lets us once again reach out with our souls and connect in a profound way. Let us not talk about this, let us do it. That might be our real challenge here, getting past all the talking about it and just doing it.
Again Mystic identifies this call as a feeling and an innocence that will lead to love. Let us also end all confusion about what is real and what is not. Everything in consciousness is real, especially to the person who experiences it, and you are real and I am real and this meeting place is real, and who cares that our bodies are not present in the same time and place.
We are all young explorers on the frontier of human cyber consciousness and at this exact moment in time we are choosing to push the frontier of our knowledge and experience. We are going to try to go where no man or no women has gone before into a space and time and new dimension of consciousness and we are going to use this fantastic medium of communication to do it. We are going to stop complaining about the limits and difficulties and differences and take this tool that has been put in our hands and feel the excitement of being alive at this moment in history to use and utilize a tool that we did not even dream of as kids. (except for all us old science fiction fans) What a great time to be alive. And what a fantastic instrument of communication. And though all of us can see the waist of the internet that is no excuse for us to waist our time. In every human reality people do this and this is nothing new.
Let us acknowledge that the instrument is perfect enough, or almost, but we the users are not. We have had mouths and ears for millions of years and most people have, sadly, not even begun to learn how to use them. We should not except limits of any kind and it would be nice to see how far we can go beyond our present limits.
Peter Demning said "For a social revolution it has been going very smoothly, you know." Yet Michael Brownlee writing for the Cogenesis Journal says that our collective view of reality, rooted in millennia of historical experience, is being shattered completely, and though he is into rejoicing in the passing of the old he confronts the troubling fact as he says, we have no replacement for it.
Everything is changing so what is our purpose here. What is my expectation of this mission, this experiment. To be at the leading edge of this change. To try to create a prototype core group of individual human beings who come together, using all the amplification communication technologies that the internet offers, and to use this to create a fusion of intelligence and heart for the betterment of human good.
Paul H. Ray Ph.D., identified a large and growing demographic group which he calls the Cultural Creatives. That is us and he says that we represent 24 % of the US adult population but instead of patting our backs and saying how good we are he says, "We don't have enough connections with each other. We are like an audience facing forward, but not facing each other. We need communities that work." Michael Brownlee says of this that if we can ever discover each other and connect we could move the world and that we can build this community in cyberspace.
So let us stop wasting our time and just do it. How? As simple as one, two three. You just do it my mentor used to say. Everything is simple once you know how! What is the secret? What is missing? Why isn't everyone already doing exactly what needs to be done? Why are some perfectly intelligent veterans of the internet discouraged? To see the potential and the waist of the internet is not enough. That potential must be made manifest. Potential energy must be transformed into kinetic....
So how do we start? We already did. Someone through a ball into my court and this is the result. Where is the ball going to go now? Who is here or wants to be here? Is this the ancient heroes call? It is the call of the heart. But the mind governed by ego consciousness (separate consciousness) will of course come up with the most ingenious excuses to remain separate and individual. Let us together explore those fascinating advantages that Lanss Anderson talked about. Over a year ago John Suler said that there is so much happening in this "space" but he mentioned the tendency to devalue cyberspace as compared to the real world. Let us go beyond all this childish comparison and give them all something new and better that they didn't have before and let this something new come from consciousness meeting in cyber space. Let us go beyond reality into a new reality. It really should be so easy to do. Normal reality populated and dominated by TV sets is such an abuse of human consciousness and is such an aberration of communication technology and people have the audacity to put down cyber space communication. People can be so funny but there is nothing so funny happening to our planet and to our social/economic/political framework. Heroes are needed but this time there is no individual hero with enough muscle. We need a group of heroes who work together. Who is that brave? Who is brave enough to put their egos aside and work together and risk it all in the fires of love and group consciousness.? Who? Will the gurus and Avatars of the world come together in a blinding flash of love and cooperation. I don't think so, so its up to us ordinary heroes, to you and me.
Robin Sircus
Author of The Marriage of Souls
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