Dear Dale, I doubt if Christopher would play ball with a boy who takes back his ball at the first sight of conflict. I don't think he would waist his time. You are showing your ego and that is fine because we all have one but you are showing an aggressive streak that no one is going to want to play with. I hope you are not so aggressive with your patients in real life where you have the luxury of body language to prop you up. And you did not do a very good jopb of chopping me up I am still sitting with my pure consciousness, well not so pure all the time, but pure when I concentrate on it, and if that sounds new age well you are so old age you might as well just hang it all up and go to bed. You seem a little funny in your communication with the powerful wisdom of Hills which I for one recognize and so did John. If you cannot just shut up and listen to wisdom and take it in in peace and humility then I do not know if there is any hope for you. So go to bed and stay calm and maybe you should stay away from cyber space for it is a space that is dangerous for the arrogant and the aggressive for here you can meet your match and more, much more.
To my fellow equal being on this very small planet.
Robin Sircus
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