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Articles by Dan Short

Dr. Dan Short is most well-known for his scholarly work in Ericksonian hypnosis and short-term therapy. He is the lead author of Hope and Resiliency, a book for professional care providers that has received world-wide attention. After revealing the core strategies underlying the work of a therapeutic genius, Short turned his attention to research on the most essential element for any successful therapy endeavor (i.e., the therapeutic relationship). His most recent book is Transformational Relationships. Dr. Short has served as faculty for conferences hosting therapists from around the world, he has supervised the training of doctoral interns, and has published numerous professional papers. Dr. Short maintains a private practice in Scottsdale, Arizona where he continues to learn from those who seek his help. For more information about Dr. Short, visit his website at

Insight on Demand

Monday, July 30th, 2018

Although I do not consider insight to be the most important component in therapy, it can be very helpful when it occurs. I conduct therapy from a problem-solving perspective, which is based on the assumption that people will live happier more fulfilled lives when they are able to function as capable problem solvers. If you […]


Utilization: Concept #1

Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

During a recent meeting of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Phoenix, Marilia Baker turned to me and said, “Don’t you think that just as ‘suggestion’ is the golden rule of hypnosis, ‘utilization’ is the golden rule of Ericksonian hypnosis?” She then proposed that in Ericksonian hypnosis these two concepts are conjoined. Indeed, utilization itself […]


The Most Important Skill in Therapy

Wednesday, March 29th, 2017

If there is any single skill that might be used to summarize what the most effective Ericksonian therapists are able to do really well, it would be the general ability to connect with others in deep and compelling ways. Whether you are describing the therapist’s use of effective communication, interpersonal flexibility, skillful observation, or love […]


The Trans-Mental and Trans-Temporal Problem Solver

Thursday, December 15th, 2016

I just recently delivered a talk at the 2016 Brief Therapy Conference in San Diego and made a promise to my audience that I would send a one page summary of the talk and attach a link to the slides, which can be found at my website. Milton Erickson often warned his students of the […]


Can You Be Like Erickson?

Saturday, October 15th, 2016

For my keynote address at the Erickson Congress in Puerto Vallarta, I shared a memorable experience when I was confronted with the urgent needs of a former patient of Milton Erickson. The man was experiencing a full-blown psychotic episode. He had the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia and was absolutely insistent that he must “find Erickson” […]


Why not fix all of your problems?

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

During my earliest days of studying Milton Erickson’s work, there were many fascinating premises which I could not understand. One of these was his warning that you need to leave some small component of the clinical problem in place. In other words, it is a mistake to strive for full clinical success (to learn more […]


Is Hypnosis Compatible with Non-Directive Process Work?

Monday, February 8th, 2016

Throughout life, we find ourselves forced to make choices, “Do I choose A, or do I choose B?” And in most instances, it is a false dilemma. Dichotomous reasoning leads us to think, “If I do one, I cannot do the other.” Yet, often, we can do both. This is why Ericksonian practitioners are able […]


Altering Mindsets in Addition to Altering States of Consciousness

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Those who use hypnosis for clinical problem solving are often trained in the observation and management of states of consciousness. While changes in consciousness can help produce new opportunities for learning and performance on therapeutic tasks, it is a change in mindset that governs the overall response of a person to his or her life. When […]


Why So Many Tattoos?

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

There are three kinds of people in the world: those who would never get a tattoo, those who after a couple glasses of wine in an artsy district say to themselves, “What the heck,” and then there are those who LOVE tattoos!


Use-Oriented Thinking

Friday, August 9th, 2013

There is a type of thinking that is so deeply ingrained within Western culture that it seems the only way to think. In science-based education we are taught to advance toward defined outcomes by means of goal-oriented thinking.  This type of thinking is a skill that enables us to improve our circumstances by setting goals, […]