Playing With Fear: Treating Phobias in Children with Autism
May 31, 2013 by Karen Levine
Filed under Psychotherapy
Here is an example of a method for treating phobias in children with Autism or other Developmental Disabilities (DDs), using the approach we developed, Replays, (e.g. Levine and Chedd, 2007), or Affective Behavioral Play Therapy (ABPT) as we call it for professional consumption. In this approach, as in traditional paradigms for treating phobias, we use […]
The Therapeutic Relationship in CBT
May 16, 2013 by James Pretzer
Filed under Cognitive Therapy, Soapbox
In a recent online discussion, a colleague wrote “Perhaps psychodynamic therapists have relied too heavily on the relationship at the expense of client skill-building, while the opposite tends to be true for CBT therapists.” This is a common criticism of CBT, but is there reason to believe that CBT therapists emphasize client skill-building at the […]
New Book on Classical Adlerian Subscription Site
February 5, 2011 by Henry T. Stein
Filed under Classical Adlerian Psychotherapy
A complete online version of Alexander Mueller’s “You Shall be a Blessing: Main Traits of a Religious Humanism,” is now available at the Classical Adlerian Subscription Site. Mueller’s book presents his thoughts on the deeper philosophical and spiritual aspects of social interest, the roots of which are seen in connection to man’s relationship with creation. […]